Translation of the song Louisiana o els camps de cotó artist Els Amics de les Arts
Louisiana o els camps de cotó
Louisiana, or the Cotton Fields
Diu que ha anat fent al seu aire,
He says he's done things his own way,
que ha fet vida a mil ciutats,
That he's lived in a thousand cities,
que ha dormit en llocs que feien feredat
That he's slept in scary places
i que tu, mare, mai haguessis aprovat,
That you never would have approved of, Mom,
que està content, que tot va bé.
That he's happy, that everything is going well.
Diu que està content, que tot va bé.
He says he's happy, that everything is going well.
Hi ha com unes coordenades,
There's a set of coordinates.
diu que us ho ensenyi, que us ho posi al Google Maps.
He says to show you, to put them in Google Maps.
I diu que un dia, de passada,
And he says that one day, just passing through,
va fer nit en un poble i que s'hi va acabar quedant,
He spent the night in a town and ended up staying.
que és des d'aquí, des d'on escriu.
That that's where he's writing from.
Diu que té una casa lluny de tot i un quatre per quatre.
He says he has a house that's far from everything, and an SUV.
I quan baixa al poble a omplir el rebost, sabeu què li passa?
And when he goes into town to fill up the pantry, guess what?
Que el despatxa un avi que li fa pensar en algú,
The old man at the checkout reminds him of someone,
que li fa pensar en algú
Reminds him of someone.
Ha estimat noies i dones.
He's loved girls and women.
Diu que més d'una li va fer perdre el nord.
More than one has thrown him off course.
Però diu que amb aquestes coses, ja se sap,
But he says that in these matters, it's well known,
quan menys t'ho esperes és quan tens un cop de sort,
When you least expect it, things start looking up.
i que estan bé, que els hi va bé.
And that they're doing fine, that things are going well.
Diu que té una filla de tres anys amb els teus ulls, pare.
He says that he has a three-year-old daughter with your eyes, Dad,
Que ell sempre li parla en català i fot molta gràcia
That he always talks to her in Catalan and it's really funny,
perquè quan la posa al llit, hi ha dies que confon
Because when he puts her to bed, sometimes she confuses
bona nit i pantalons.
'Bona nit' [goodnight] and 'pantalons' [pants].
Diu que vist amb perspectiva
He says that, in retrospect,
té molt clar que aquí no hagués estat feliç.
He's sure he wouldn't have been happy here,
Però reconeix que això de desaparèixer tan tranquil, sense avisar-nos,
But he admits that just disappearing like that, without telling us,
és marxar amb molt poc estil.
Was not a classy exit,
I que amb el temps, que ho cura tot,
And that as time, which heals all wounds, goes by,
tot s'anirà posant a lloc.
Everything will fall back into place.
Diu que des del porxo veu un cel que no te l'acabes.
He says that from the porch the sky seems to stretch out forever,
Que a la nit sempre surt a fumar i pensa en nosaltres.
That at night he always goes out for a smoke and he thinks about us,
I que, per molt lluny que estigui, no hem de tenir por,
And that, though he's very far away, we shouldn't worry
quan s'hi hagi de ser, hi serà.
When he has to be here, he will be.
Diu que un dia hi hem d'anar, que l'avisem amb temps, però que té llits de sobres.
He says that one day we should go visit,