Translation of the song Miracles artist Els Amics de les Arts
Jo que era feliç vivint installat
Me, who was happy living installed
en l'eterna improvització de low cost
in the eternal low cost improvisation
divendres de cine, va fotem algo i menús degustació.
fridays at the movies, come on let's do something and taste menus
Ja em vaig ensumar que tot aquell silenci
I smelled that all that silence
era el preludi d'una gran declaració
was the prelude to a great declaration
vas parar la tele, et vas girar, vas somriure i vas dir
you stopped the TV, turned around, smiled and said
Joan, a això nostre li manquen emocions.
Joan, this thing between us lacks emotion
I quan ets dona hi ha un moment
And when you are a woman there's a moment
que de dins sents una crida
that you feel a call
i no saps per què però tens un gran desig
and you don't know why but you have a great desire
tan gran com la vida, i prens una decisió.
as big as life and you make a choice.
I a tu potser et va semblar
And maybe you thought
que marcava un pas de funky
that I was funky dancing
però era un moviment d'espatlla,
but it was a shoulder move
gentilesa d'un calfred farcit de pànic.
courtesy of a panic filled shiver
Ho reconec, nena, vaig tenir por.
I admit it, baby, I was scared
Carinyo no soc en Terry Maison
Honey I am not Terry Maison
però fa dies que he detectat
but I have detected lately
un immens desig de ser mare
a great desire to be a mother
i creu-me que no estic preparat,
and believe me I am not ready
he dit que no estic preparat.
I said I am not ready
Nou mesos després va arribar la Maria
Nine months later arrived Maria
i ves per on de sobte sen's feia molt curt el dia
and look at that, suddenly the days became very short
i molt llarga la nit.
and the night very long
I ens vam autoimposar fer esport
and we imposed ourselves to do sport
i minimitzar dèries que tu i jo,
and to minimize our fixations, you and me
carinyo meu, no hem estat mai uns fora de sèrie
my dear, have never been out of this world
ni de cos ni d'esperit.
in body nor in spririt
Carinyo no em demanis miracles
Honey don't ask for miracles
no soc com el David Percas
I am not like David Percas
en tenim un i ja en vols un altre
we have one and you want another
i a mi em cal anar a pas a pas.
and I need to go step by step
He dit que em cal anar pas a pas
I said I need to go step by step
a pas.
by step
I fins aquí, au revoir senyors.
And up to here, au revoir gentlemen
Ara passem a una altra lliga
Now we are on to another league
de bolquers, escoles, Dalsy, de patir fora de mida.
of diapers, schools, Dalsy 1, suffering a lot.
D'alevins cada dissabte, de fer ok des de la grada
Of novices 2 every sunday, of ok-ing from the bleachers
i de renunciar al que som per madurar a marxes forçades.
and giving up who we are to grow up forcefully
Però sempre queda un Peter Pan
But there's always a Peter Pan
foten la guitza a dintre nostre
the bother inside us
atrinxerat en aquells temps
entrenching in those times
sense preocupacions ni sostre.
without worries nor roof
Però no patiu que no esteu sols
But don't worry, you are not alone
però no patiu que per a mirar d'alleugerir-ho, no patiu...
but don't worry, to try to make it lighter, don't worry...
Podrem fer de tant en tant un Guitar Hero...
We can play Guitar Hero once in a while...