Translation of the song No Vam Saber Tornar artist Els Amics de les Arts
No Vam Saber Tornar
We didn't know how to go back
Ara no parem quan ens fem mal
Now we don't stop when we hurt each other
Deu ser aquest temps de merda
It must be this shitty weather
Deu ser aquesta hora, al vespre
It must be this hour, in the evening
Anem molt cansats
We are very tired
Ara disparem per si de cas
Now we shoot just in case
Som uns especialistes
We are specialists
Apuntant a les ferides
Aiming for the wounds
Que no hem curat
That haven't healed
Saps fer com si això no anés amb tu
You know how to act like this doesn't concern you
Com si fos un tema meu
Like this is a thing of mine
que cal que afronti.
I should confront.
Soc molt bo dient el que no he dit
I'm very good at saying what I haven't said
Jugant amb el matís
Playing with the nuance
I fent-me l'orni
And pretending I don't understand
Rècord del món en absurditat
World record in absurdity
Rècord del món en absurditat
World record in absurdity
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I, de sobte, vam mirar-nos
And, suddenly, we looked at each other
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I, de sobte, vam mirar-nos
And, suddenly, we looked at each other
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I, de sobte, vam mirar-nos
And, suddenly, we looked at each other
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I, de sobte, vam mirar-nos
And, suddenly, we looked at each other
Ara inaugurem la post-veritat
Now we inaugurate the post-truth
Anàlisi exhaustiva:
An exhaustive analysis:
context i perspectiva,
context, perspective,
detalls gegants
giant details.
Ara, aquests petons per què me'ls fas?
Now, why are you giving me these kisses?
Potser no és coincidència
It may not be a coincidence
que just darrera els llavis
that right behind the lips
tinguem ullals.
we have fangs.
Saps fer com si això no anés amb tu
You know how to act like this doesn't concern you
Com si fos un tema meu
Like this is a thing of mine
que cal que afronti.
I should confront.
Soc molt bo dient el que no he dit
I'm very good at saying what I haven't said
Jugant amb el matís
Playing with the nuance
I fent-me l'orni
And pretending I don't understand
Rècord del món en absurditat
World record in absurdity
Rècord del món en absurditat
World record in absurdity
Ara no parem quan ens fem mal
Now we don't stop when we hurt each other
Ara no parem quan ens fem mal
Now we don't stop when we hurt each other
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
Rècord del món en absurditat
World record in absurdity
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
Rècord del món en absurditat
World record in absurdity
I ja no vam saber tornar
And we didn't know how to go back
I ja no vam saber tornar.
And we didn't know how to go back