Translation of the song Elefantul si furnica artist Cleopatra Stratan


Elefantul si furnica

English translation

the elephant and the ant

Merge elefantul singur, seara pe alee

the elephant walks alone , in the evening on the alley

O furnica-i da din mana, chipurile sa steie

an ant waves her hand (allegedly?) at him to stay

El macar nu se uita si nici n-are frica,

he wasnt even looking and has no fear

Dar furnica cheama inca o furnica

but the ant calls another ant

Unde-s doi puterea creste spune-o vorba veche

where r 2 the power grows says an old saying

Ai fi tu elefant, dar daca n-ai pereche ii greu

u r an elephant but if u dont have a pair/mate is hard

Situatia ii tot mai mult A ploaie,

the situation is more and more as rain

Furnica-i hotarata sa-l ieie la bataie.

the ant is decided to fight/beat him

-Pe elefant?

the elephant

-Pe elefant sa se-nteleaga!

the elephant to get along with eachother

-Exista lege.

exists law

-Exista lege, dar nu leaga

exists law but doesnt connect

-Nu te supara,

dont get upset

Vede elefantul cum ca treaba-i tot mai sluta,

the elephant sees that the thing is worse

Cheama garda, dar nici garda sigur nu-i ajuta.

calls the guard , but the guard certainly doesnt help them

Poate-ar fi mai bine sa se impace cu furnica

maybe would be better to make peace with the ant

Ca daca nu, nu-i mai ajuta, nici Baba-Nica - cause if not , Baba

Nica doesnt help them either

In sfarsit, dupa atatea conditii puse

finnaly , after so many conditions

Elefantul cade de acord cu partile opuse.

the elephant agrees with the opposite parts

Dar la urma situatia cand era mai calma - but at the end when the situation was even


Furnica pe neprins de veste, cand ii arde-o palma!

the ant suddenly snaps him

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