So there's pressure, so what?
You don't need God's help.
So it's egotistical, so what?
There's no reason or whatever for wanting to win.
Break out 挑まずにはいられない
(Break out) You can't live without being challenged.
Break out 影さえも振り切ってけ
(Break out) Shake free from even your own shadow.
Break out 現状の限界
(Break out) It's your chance,
乗り越えろ チャンス
overcome your current limits!
We are 全力をかけた
(We are) You gave it all you had.
We are 怯えることない
(We are) So there's nothing to fear.
Winner 確信へ変われ
(Winner) Become confident in yourself.
And soar off as high, high, high
As for the wounds of defeat you've tasted,
shedding tears, you make flowers bloom.
They can laugh at me with Give up!
そんな言葉 僕は知らない
I don't know words like those.
背負うもの それも楽しめ
Have fun even with the burdens you carry.
I'm in no mood for your holding back.
Realists, do as you wish.
Destroy your opponent in a surprise victory.
Break out このまま燃え尽きたって
(Break out) Even if you burn out this way,
Break out 恥じることない生き様
(Break out) there's nothing to be ashamed about this way of life.
Break out 感情の高鳴り
(Break out) Turn the pulsating from your emotions
We are 勇敢な心
(We are) With a courageous heart,
We are 前進あるのみ
(We are) there's nothing but progress.
Winner 満身創痍で
(Winner) With wounds all over your body,
struggle, struggle, struggle,
Standing up from clashing then falling,
膝の傷 勲章になる
the wounds on your knees will be your medal.
粋がってろ 馬鹿にされても
Even if they ridicule me by telling me, Keep acting like you're cool!,
勝利掲げ 僕は生きたい
I want to live displaying my victories.
There's nothing to be hesitant about.
Wow 強き風が背中押す
(Wow) A strong wind pushes your back.
Wow 宿れ青い炎
(Wow) Dwell, blue flame.
Wow 時代を作れ風雲児
(Wow) Opportunist, make history
Wow 頂上へいざなう道
(Wow) on the path that takes you to the top.
Break out 挑まずにはいられない
(Break out) You can't live without being challenged.
Break out 最強の最前線
(Break out) The strongest front line,
Break out 戦場の均衡
(Break out) the battleground equilibrium,
ぶち壊せ Ready Go!!
demolish them. Ready? Go!!
We are 逆境の嵐
(We are) With an adverse storm
We are 恐るるに足らず
(We are) not worthy of being feared,
Winner 喝采を浴びて
(Winner) bathe in the cheers for you.
Be strongly, strongly, strongly,
As for the wounds of defeat you've tasted,
shedding tears, you make flowers bloom.
They can laugh at me with Give up!
そんな言葉 僕は知らない
I don't know words like those.
粋がってろ 馬鹿にされても
Even if they ridicule me by telling me, Keep acting like you're cool!,
I want to live displaying my victories.
Knowing defeat, flowers bloom.
They can laugh at me with That's impossible for you!
そんな言葉 僕は知らない
I don't know words like those.