Translation of the song Nu mă înveți tu (cum să sufăr) artist Feli (Romania)
Nu mă înveți tu (cum să sufăr)
Don't teach me (how to suffer)
Ne am cunoscut cand eram copii si n aveam nicio grija
We met when we were kids and we didn't have any worries
De la inceput am stiut doar sa iubim fara nicio analiza..
From the start, we knew how to love without analyzing
Eu eram macul, tu erai ata
I was the needle, you were the thread
Coseam momente impreuna pana dimineata
We sewed moments together until morning
Nu ntelegeam notiunea de defect, cand noi ne potriveam perfect.
We didn't understand the notion of defective, when we fit together perfectly.
Erai lumina din ochii mei, dar mereu ai profitat...
You were the light of my eyes, but you always took advantage . . .
Ai stiut cum sa ma intorci si sa inseli, dar asta sa nu te face barbat.
You knew how to turn me and how to cheat, but this doesn't make you a man.
Vreau sa dau muzica tare, cat mai tare sa rasune
I want to play music loudly, really loudly, so that it resonates
Sa nu mai aud durerea care mult prea tare plange
So that I don't have to hear the pain which cries far too loudly anymore
Mi am ascuns iubirea bine si am plecat iar sa ma caut.
I've hidden my love well and I left to look for myself again.
Noaptea dorm pe flori de nufar, nu ma nveti tu cum sa sufar!
At night, I sleep on lilies, don't teach me how to suffer!
Nu ma suna, n am nevoie de niciun pansament de despartire.
Don't call me, I don't need a farewell bandage.
Ma vei deranja, planul e sa ies cu altul, voi fi la intalnire
You'll annoy me, the plan is to leave with someone else, I'll be on a date
Eu eram macul, tu erai ata
I was the needle, you were the thread
Coseam momente impreuna pana dimineata
We sewed moments together until morning
Acum nu inteleg notiunea de perfect, cand noi ne potriveam defect...
We didn't understand the notion of defective, when we fit together perfectly.
Erai lumina din ochii mei, dar mereu ai profitat...
You were the light of my eyes, but you always took advantage . . .
Ai stiut cum sa ma intorci si sa inseli, dar asta sa nu te face barbat.
You knew how to turn me and how to cheat, but this doesn't make you a man.
Vreau sa dau muzica tare, cat mai tare sa rasune
I want to play music loudly, really loudly, so that it resonates
Sa nu mai aud durerea care mult prea tare plange
So that I don't have to hear the pain which cries far too loudly anymore
Mi am ascuns iubirea bine si am plecat iar sa ma caut.
I've hidden my love well and I left to look for myself again.
Noaptea dorm pe flori de nufar, nu ma nveti tu cum sa sufar! (X2)
At night, I sleep on lilies, don't teach me how to suffer!
Noaptea dorm pe flori de nufar, nu ma nveti tu cum sa sufar!
At night, I sleep on lilies, don't teach me how to suffer!