Translation of the song Bublina artist Vypsaná fiXa



English translation


Ležíme tu ve tmě, ležíme tu a už nás to nebaví

We're lying here, in the dark, lying here and it's gotten boring

Superman a Batman, tak ty tady nejsou, tyhle postavy

Superman and Batman, well, these characters aren't here

Ležíme tu spolu, spolu dohromady, ale každej je tu sám

We're lying here, together, but each of us is alone

Kdy už půjdu domů? nebude den, kdy se na to nezeptám

When will I finally go home? There won't be a day I won't be asking this question

I'm we are to je naše bublina (4×)

I'm, we are, that's our bubble (×4)

Ležíme tu ve dne, ležíme tu dlouho je to debilní

We lie here during the day, we've been lying here for a long time and it's dumb

S atomovou bombou chodíme na záchod už mnoho dní

For many days already, we go to the restroom carrying an atomic bomb

Potom to tam smrdí

Then it stinks there

Ale nuda se smutkem smrděj víc

But boredom and sadness are stinkier

Naděje mi tvrdí,

My hope is telling me

Že to bude za den a ne za měsíc

It's going to happen in a day, not in a month

I'm, we are a praskne tahle bublina (4×)

I'm, we are, and this bubble is going to burst (×4)

Ležíme tu spolu

We lie here together

A neděje se vůbec, vůbec nic

And nothing's going on, nothing at all

Jen Superman a Batman

Only that there's a Superman and a Batman

V každým nás zpívá

Singing inside each of us

Hello, we are, ať praskne tahle bublina (4×)

Hello, we are, make this bubble burst (×4)

A půjdem na ní do kina (2×)

And we'll go see it to the cinema (×2)

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