Translation of the song Snídaně z elektřiny artist Vypsaná fiXa


Snídaně z elektřiny

English translation

Electricity for breakfast

San Piego dobrý ráno

Good morning, San Piego [1]

ještě tak mrazivý-že ano

morning is still frosty - isn't it?

ýmo si přes hlavu přetáh svetr

EMO snuck into sweater,

a objednal si kakao

and ordered a hot cocoa.

bylo tak správně sladký

It was sweet just enough,

těšil se až mu ho podají

he was looking forward to it.

u protějšího stolu seděli

And on the next table,

malíř a kouzelník

a painter and a magician were sitting together.

bylo to dobrý a on se usmíval

It was nice, and he was smiling,

že byl jimi zase spatřen

that he was spotted by them.

byli tam oba

Both of them were there -

Marquez i Garcia

Marquez as well as Garcia [2],

byla to kavárna v druhém patře

in the cafe in the second floor.

jeho nebe

On his skies,

víčka se lepily

the eyelids were closing,

po půl hodině letmýho spánku

after half an hour of light sleep.

a trolejbusy už jezdily

Trolleybuses were already driving

pod pavučinou na křižovatku

under the webs to the crossroads [3].

během nekonečný zimy

during never ending winter,

byl uzavřený v jukeboxu

he was locked in a jukebox

snídaně byla z elektřiny

electricity was for breakfast

k obědu se nedalo dejchat

and during lunch hours it was already hard to breathe.

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