Rătăciţi printre vremi,
Lost being among the time doings
Mereu trişti, obosiţi,
Always bearin such sadness, and being weared out
Încărcaţi de nevoi,
Filled by many a needs
Suferinţe şi boli,
Sufferings and such illnesses
Suntem prinşi în hăţiş.
We're stuck amongst a dense place filled of thorns
Prizonieri pe pământ,
Imprisoned to the way of the earthly life
Plini de ură şi-n gând,
Filled by such hate are our souls
În vârtej ne rotim
we're movin in circles
Într-un cerc vicios,
Reapeating a vicious cycle
Nu mai ştim ce e jos
We no longer know of decency
Nu dorim decât sus.
we're but only to aim for such hights
Suntem tot mai flămânzi
We're consumed more and more by our material lustful wants
De putere şi bani,
By the power and money
Nu mai ştim de cuvânt
We're no longer knowin the importance of being honest
Am uitat ce e sfânt.
We've gave away the sacred words
Ne ucidem părinţi
We're to get even our parents to perish
Şi ne vindem copii,
And we're givin away our own childs
Pe bătrâni îi lăsăm
Our elders are forgotten by us
În aziluri zălog,
in asylums to perish
Nu privim către cer
We're not to have an eye for the sky highs simple sunlight
Doar spre ce-i efemer
But only have an eye and put a price on that which 'tis ephemeral
Şi datori pe la bănci
And whilst at some banks we'd owe money
Ani am pus amanet
With our own ears we're to pay it
Pentru câţiva bănuţi.
for the sake of achieving some sums
Traiul nostru-i acum
Our day by day life 'tis nowadays
O ruletă de joc
Like an roulette game table
De pariuri, noroc,
A n amalgam of bets , a game of odds
Unde vieţi azi jucăm.
where we'd be but to gamble today with our very own life
Nu trăim ci suntem
We're not alive but rather we're
Prizonieri de-nchisori
Imprisoned in some prison
Cu ferestre spre cer.
that 'tis to have a view to the sky highs