Translation of the song A prop del mar artist Sau
A prop del mar
Near The Sea
Si no vas molt de pressa
If you're not walking too fast
Pels voltants del meu carrer,
Nearby my street,
Veuràs les cases blanques
You will see the white houses
I un bar que està sempre obert;
And a bar that's always open;
Bicicletes que van amunt i avall,
Bicycles going all over,
Que travessen tot el parc...
Crossing the entire park...
Una església molt a prop del mar
A church very close to the sea
I carrers amb nom de sant...
And streets named after saints...
Si no vas molt de pressa
If you're not walking too fast
I mires al teu voltant,
And you look around,
Veuràs portes obertes
You shall see open doors
Que et conviden a passar.
That invite you to step in.
Digue'm si el carrer fa olor de mar,
Tell me whether the street smells like the sea,
Si fan soroll els finestrons,
Whether the shutters are noisy,
Si les sirenes sonen cap al tard,
Whether the sirens sound towards the evening,
Si a les terrasses hi han coloms...
Whether there are pigeons on the balconies...
Si vas a prop del mar,
If you go near the sea,
Si veus a la meva gent...
If you see my people...
Si vas a prop del mar,
If you go near the sea,
Digue'ls-hi que penso en ells!
Tell them that I'm thinking of them!
Si no vas molt de pressa
If you're not walking too fast
I et pots aturar,
And you can stop,
Mira'm les seves cares
Look into their faces on my behalf
Si hi veus el temps passar.
If you see time walk across them.
Si en els seus ulls hi ha felicitat
Whether there's happiness in their eyes
I, a la pell, el seu treball;
And, on their skin, their toils;
Si la vida segueix endavant
Whether life goes on
Com jo la puc recordar...
Just as I remember it...
Si vas a prop del mar,
If you go near the sea,
Si veus a la meva gent...
If you see my people...
Si vas a prop del mar,
If you go near the sea,
Digue'ls-hi que penso en ells!
Tell them that I'm thinking of them!!
Si vas a prop del mar,
If you go near the sea,
Si vas a prop del meu carrer...
If you go near my street...
Si vas a prop del mar,
If you go near the sea,
Veuràs a la meva gent!
You shall see my people!