Translation of the song Amb la lluna a l'esquena artist Sau


Amb la lluna a l'esquena

English translation

With the Moon Behind Us

Ella passa i mira fora;

She walks by and looks outside;

Ho fa per costum.

She does it out of habit.

Són molts anys d'espera...

She's been waiting for many years...

Potser ha perdut el rumb.

Maybe she has lost her way.

Hi ha qui es gasta i prova

There are some who spend it all and try

D'enllestir el seu futur

So get ready for their future

Buscant una altra feina,

Looking for a new job,

Creuant els dits per tu...

Crossing their fingers for you...

Tu no perds la fe

You won't lose faith

I creus que tot arribarà;

And you believe that everything shall come;

Batalles perdudes,

Lost battles,

Qui les voldrà escoltar?

Who will want to hear about them?

Volen veure el dia

They want to see the day

En què tot sigui un tot,

When everything will be part of a whole,

I no només presagi:

And not just an omen:

No tant sols un tros!

Not merely a fragment!



Hem vingut fins aquí

We've come up to here

En seguint les nostres vides,

By keeping up with our lives,

Fills del nostre destí.

Product of our destiny.

Hem vingut fins aquí

We've come up to here

En seguint les nostres passes,

By following our own steps,

Creuant el vell promès Paradís...

Traversing that old, promised Paradise...

I mentre algú resi

And as long as someone's praying

Per poder veure el sol,

So they can see the sun,

Per trencar amb la tristesa

In order to break up with sorrow

I oblidar de nou...

And forget all over again...

Amb la lluna a l´esquena

With the moon behind us

Seguirem donant-ho tot.

We'll keep giving our all.

Demà és un altre dia;

Tomorrow is a brand new day;

Potser una altra cançó!

Maybe even another song!



Hem vingut fins aquí

We've come up to here

En seguint les nostres vides,

By keeping up with our lives,

Fills del nostre destí.

Product of our destiny.

Hem vingut fins aquí

We've come up to here

En seguint les nostres passes,

By following our own steps,

Creuant el vell promès Paradís...

Traversing that old, promised Paradise...

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