Translation of the song Ja no hi han trapezistes artist Sau


Ja no hi han trapezistes

English translation

There Aren't Any Trapeze Artists Left

Divuit mesos i un dia més... Es fa tant lent l'esperar!

18 months and one more day... Waiting feels so long!

Ja no passen tramvies, no;

Streetcars don't run anymore, no;

Ja no vaig ni a pescar!

Now, I don't even go fishing!

Ja no borden els gossos i han plegat els del circ:

Dogs don't bark anymore and the circus has closed:

Ja no hi ha trapezistes, no...

Now, there aren't any trapeze artists left, no...

I tu no véns mai per aquí!

And you never come around here!

S'ha parat el rellotge vell de la nostra estació

The old clock in our train station has stopped

I els ocells de la via tres,

And the birds on platform number three,

S'han rebel·lat contra tot.

Are revolting against everything.

I els Diumenges a la tarda són encara tant avorrits;

Sunday afternoons are even more boring;

Hi han coses que no canvien mai

There are things that never change

I tu no véns mai per aquí...

And you never come around here...

Un avió creua un tros de cel

A plane crosses a piece of sky

I jo em sento morir!

And I feel like I'm dying!

Aquests núvols no marxaran

These clouds won't ever leave

Fins que arribi l'Abril...

Until April comes...

Tu ja no véns mai per aquí...

You don't come around here anymore...

Ja no resten estrelles, no... Tampoc passen els trens

There are no stars left, no... The trains won't run, either;

Qui ens portaven a casa els dos

Those trains that took the both of us home

Després d'anar a trencar el gel.

After going to break the ice.

I ja res és com era abans, els avis diuen sovint...

And now naught is as it was before, old men often say...

Les xafarderes van preguntant:

The gossipmongers keep asking:

Per què no véns mai per aquí?

Why don't you come around here?

I les nits, quan ja no fa fred,

And at night, when it isn't cold anymore,

Torno a pujar al meu terrat.

A go up to my building's roof.

Des d'aquí puc veure encara

From up here I can still see

Aquest cel ennuvolat!

Those cloudy skies!

Tu ja no véns mai per aquí...

You don't come around here anymore...

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