Translation of the song Mai seré prou bo per tu artist Sau
Mai seré prou bo per tu
I'll Never Be Good Enough for You
(Mai seré prou bo per tu...
(I'll never be good enough for you...
Mai seré prou bo per tu...)
I'll never be good enough for you...)
Si us plau, deixa de fer
Please, stop making
De tot, una carrera.
A career out of everything.
Em costa decidir
It's difficult for me to decide
Per on haig de tirar:
Which path I must take:
Un pas endavant
One step forward
I dos passos enrera...
And two steps back...
Tot es torna tant confús...
Everything becomes confusing...
No puc, deixa'm estar!
I can't, let me be!
(Mai seré prou bo per tu...
(I'll never be good enough for you...
Mai seré prou bo per tu...)
I'll never be good enough for you...)
No sóc el més fornit,
I'm not the hunkiest guy,
Ni tinc un cos d'atleta;
Nor do I have an athlete's body;
Només sé fer cançons:
I only know to make songs:
Això és el meu tresor!
This is my treasure!
Cançons d'amor,
Love songs,
Cançons que no t'interessen...
Songs about which you do not care at all...
No esperis que, ara,
Now, don't expect me
Jo et comenci a tirar flors.
To start singing your praises.
(Mai seré prou bo per tu...
(I'll never be good enough for you...
Mai seré prou bo per tu...)
I'll never be good enough for you...)
Quants cops en aquesta vida
How many times in this life
Ho he provat i he fracassat?
I've tried to make it and failed?
Quants cops he caigut per terra,
So many times, I've fallen
Però m'he tornat a aixecar!
But I've stood up once again!
(Mai seré prou bo per tu...
(I'll never be good enough for you...
Mai seré prou bo per tu...)
I'll never be good enough for you...)
Tu esperes tot de mi,
You expect everything from me,
Allò que no m'interessa...
All those things that are not important to me...
No sóc ni alt ni fort,
I'm neither tall nor strong,
Ni visc dins un gimnàs.
Nor do I spend my life in the gym.
Ara és massa tard,
Now it's too late,
Ara ja no val la pena:
Now it's not worth the hassle anymore:
Jo sóc tal com sóc
I am as I am
I tu no em canviaràs!
And you won't change me!
(Mai seré prou bo per tu...
(I'll never be good enough for you...
Mai seré prou bo per tu...)
I'll never be good enough for you...)