Translation of the song Vida moderna artist Sau


Vida moderna

English translation

Modern Life

Mira'm la cara, digues veritats:

Look at me in the face, tell the truth:

Tu saps com penso, jo sé el què fas.

You know how I think, I know what you're doing.

Així que acosta't, dona'm amor...

Thus, come closer, give me some love...

Aquí no hi han culpables, aquí no hi ha perdó!

Here there's no guilt, here there's no forgiveness!

Creus que haig de fer-ho? Ho llenço tot.

Do you think I must do it? I'm giving it all up.

Potser he d'aprendre a dir que no...

Maybe, I must learn to say no...

Aquest ritme de vida em portarà a la mort:

This kind of life shall lead me to my death:

Traumes d'infantesa i culte al teu cos!

Childhood traumas and worshipping your body!



Vida moderna, temps actual...

Modern life, current times...

Tu estàs de moda i jo estic fatal!

You're very popular and I'm just so down!

Tu vius de dia i jo visc de nit:

You live by day and I live by night:

La vida moderna ens ha fet així!

Modern life has made us like this!

Digue'm què passa, esperit fatal,

Tell me what's going on, deathly spirit,

Vistosa escletxa, camí infernal.

Eye-catching cleft, infernal path.

Mira'm la cara... No, no tinguis por.

Look into my face... No, do not be afraid.

Digue'm tu qui ets, digue'm qui sóc jo!

Tell me who you are, tell me who I am!



Fora mentides: anem a fons!

No more lies: let's go deep!

Tu saps que em trobo al fons d'un pou.

You know that I've hit rock bottom.

Treu-me i parlem-ne i sigues clar;

Lift me up, let's talk and be clear about it;

No cal enganyar-se... Tu ets el meu mirall!

There's no need for self-deceit... You are my mirror!

Puc ser egoïsta, puc ser brutal,

I can be selfish, I can be brutal,

Puc ser tant tendre, puc ser animal...

I can be so affectionate, I can be an animal...

Tu sense mi i jo sense tu,

You without me and I without you,

Som ànimes en pena: estem perduts!

We are wandering souls: we're both lost!



Vida moderna, temps actual...

Modern life, current times...

Tu estàs de moda i jo estic fatal!

You're very popular and I'm just so down!

Tu vius de dia i jo visc de nit:

You live by day and I live by night:

La vida moderna ens ha fet així!

Modern life has made us like this!

Digue'm què passa, esperit fatal,

Tell me what's going on, deathly spirit,

Vistosa escletxa, camí infernal.

Eye-catching cleft, infernal path.

Mira'm la cara... No, no tinguis por.

Look into my face... No, do not be afraid.

Digue'm tu qui ets, digue'm qui sóc jo!

Tell me who you are, tell me who I am!

Digue'm tu qui ets... Digue'm qui sóc jo!

Tell me who you are... Tell me who I am!

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