Translation of the song Brilla artist Sopa de Cabra
Brilla, brilla...
Shine, shine...
Brilla cel de vidre
Shine, oh crystal sky
Sota el sol, sobre le mar!
Under the sun, above the sea!
Com un somni, brilla cada dia,
Like a dream, shine every day,
Vida i mort en un sol instant.
About life and death in a single instant.
Crida, crida...
Shout, shout...
Crida el nom que estimes!
Shout that name you love!
Crida'l fort, crida'l clar.
Shout it loudly, shout it clearly.
Contra l'odi, estima cada dia:
Against hatred, love every day:
No podran barrar el teu pas!
They won't be able to stop you at all!
Quan la nit s'empassi els dies daurats,
When the night swallows the golden days,
Seràs lluny, només voldràs recordar.
You'll be far away, you'll only want to remember.
Quan la son s'imposi al dolç despertar,
When the sun crushes your sweet awakening,
El darrer parany serà pensar que ja és tard...
The last danger will be to think that now, it's too late...
Mira, mira...
Look, look...
Mira tot com brilla!
Look how everything is shining!
Mira el foc, mira el glaç.
Look into the fire, look at the ice.
Mira i vibra, veuràs com ets per dintre;
Look and tremble, you'll see how you are inside:
No podran parar-te mai.
They won't ever be able to stop you.
No t'aturis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever stop... Never!
No reculis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever go back... Never!
No t'aturis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever stop... Never!
Viu la vida,
Live your life,
Tot serà mentida.
Everything will be a lie.
Viu la mort: serà tot fals!
Live death: everything shall be false!
Viu la vida... Viu-la, creix i brilla...
Live your life... Live it, grow and shine...
No podré oblidar-te mai.
I won't ever be able to forget you.
Quan el temps escrigui l'ultim comiat,
When time writes the last farewell,
Seràs lluny, només podràs recordar.
You'll be far away, you will only be able to remember.
Quan la son s'imposi al dolç despertar,
When the sun crushes your sweet awakening,
El darrer parany serà pensar que ja és tard...
The last danger will be to think that now, it's too late...
No t'aturis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever stop... Never!
No reculis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever go back... Never!
No t'aturis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever stop... Never!
No reculis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever go back... Never!
No t'aturis mai... Mai!
Don't you ever stop... Never!