Translation of the song Cercles artist Sopa de Cabra
Els camins són plens de passes sense nom;
The paths are filled with nameless steps;
Ningú sap d'on venen ni allà on van...
No one knows where they come from or where they lead...
El mar arrossega un nou vaixell a port,
The sea drags a new ship to haven,
L'horitzó s'acosta, el pot salvar...
The horizon draws nearer, it can save it...
Pots passar pel món plorant,
You can go through this world crying,
Pots fer un pas cap a endavant.
You can take a step forward.
Res no és mai per sempre: es pot canviar!
Nothing is forever: it can be changed!
Dins del cercle constant,
Inside the constant circle,
Les vides que vindran
The lives that shall come
Seran el fruit dels dies que se'n van.
Will be the fruit of those days that are now fading.
Gira el cercle constant:
The circle runs constantly:
El cicle que l'amor va renovant...
The cycle that love keeps restoring...
Ara els cors són plens d'estels qui escapen;
Now, all hearts are filled with runaway stars;
Sovint l'amor i l'odi són germans!
Often, love and hate are brothers!
Com un crit, recorre el vent les places:
Like a bellow, the wind travels across the town squares:
Les paraules volen al seu pas...
Words fly away as it runs through...
Pots quedar-te aquí esperant,
You can remain here, waiting,
Pots seguir també lluitant:
You can keep fighting:
Sempre els fills dels homes van canviant!
The children of men are always changing!
Dins del cercle constant,
Inside the constant circle,
Les vides que vindran
The lives that shall come
Seran el fruit dels dies que se'n van.
Will be the fruit of those days that are now fading.
Gira el cercle constant:
The circle runs constantly:
El cicle que l'amor va renovant...
The cycle that love keeps restoring...
Pots quedar-te aquí esperant,
You can remain here, waiting,
Pots passar pel món plorant,
You can go through this world crying,
Però res no és per sempre...
But nothing is forever...
Els fills dels homes van cantant!
The children of men keep changing!
Dins del cercle constant,
Inside the constant circle,
Les vides que vindran
The lives that shall come
Seran el fruit dels dies que se'n van.
Will be the fruit of those days that are now fading.
Gira el cercle constant:
The circle runs constantly:
El cicle que l'amor va renovant...
The cycle that love keeps restoring...