Translation of the song Deixa'm dir una cosa artist Sopa de Cabra
Deixa'm dir una cosa
Let me tell you something
Fas mala cara.
You don't look good
Perquè corres tant?
Why are you running so much?
Tens massa pressa,
You are in a hurry.
Mira al teu voltant.
Look around you:
No tens res a perdre,
You don't have anything to lose
Marca el teu ritme,
Set your own pace.
No cal pensar tant.
It's not necessary to think so much.
De què et proteigeixes?
What are you protecting yourself from?
T’està costant.
It's taking you too long.
Sempre esperes temps millors,
You are always waiting for a better time
Potser ja han arribat.
Maybe that time has already come.
Ei deixa’m dir una cosa:
Hey, let me tell you something:
Tu ets molt més important, em sembla a mi.
You are much more important, I think so.
El món va donant voltes,
The world keeps on spinning
Tot sempre anirà canviant, no has de patir.
Everything will keep on changing, you don't need to worry.
Tothom et parla
Everybody talks to you
Del bé i del mal,
About wright and wrong.
Massa paraules,
Too many words.
Mitges veritats.
Busca el teu centre,
Look for your center.
I el món tot sol
And the world will just
Començarà a girar.
start to spin
Busca respostes.
Look for answers
T’ho has preguntat?
Have you ever wondered...?
Ei deixa’m dir una cosa:
Hey, let me tell you something:
Tu ets molt més important, ho has de sentir.
You are much more important, you should feel it.
El món donarà voltes,
The world will keep on spinning
Tot sempre va canviant, no has de patir.
Everything is changing, you don't need to worry.
Muntanyes russes,
Roller coasters,
Amunt i avall,
Up and down.
Puges i baixes, no s’acaba mai,
Yo go up and down, a cicle never ending.
No et pots parar.
You can't stop.
Busca un bon lloc on aterrar
Look for a place to land
O no ho explicaràs.
Or you won't survive.