Translation of the song Dies de carretera artist Sopa de Cabra


Dies de carretera

English translation

Days On The Road

Vas marxar de casa;

You left home;

Als carrers tot estava cremat.

In the streets, everything had been burned.

Cercaves bones cartes...

You were looking for some good luck...

Vas arribar al final de la ciutat

You reached the edge of the city

Sense res a perdre:

Not having anything to lose:

El que tenies havia de canviar!

What you had, had to change!

Tampoc res en què creure...

You also didn't have anything to believe in...

Una guitarra per poder somiar!

Only a guitar, so you could dream!



(La vida espera)

(Life is awaiting you)

Dies de carretera!

Days on the road!

(La vida espera)

(Life is awaiting you)

Mai no vas voler tornar enrere!

You never wanted to go back!

(La vida espera)

(Life is awaiting you)

El món era a les teves mans...

You had the world in your hands...

Visquent contre les cordes eres feliç,

You were happy living against the ropes,

Però no en tenies prou:

But you didn't have enough:

Series part de la història

You'd go down in history

I ,fins i tot, potser el nou rei del rock!

And, maybe, you'd even become the new King of Rock & Roll!

Pel camí de la fama,

Down the road to fame,

Allà on anaves mai no eres pas sol

You were never alone no matter where you went

Però, a part de la guitarra,

But, beside your guitar,

L'únic amic fidel era l'alcohol.

Your only faithful friend was alcohol.



Si cada dia està més lluny

If with every passing day

Tot el que has somiat,

That which you have dreamed is further and further away,

Potser ha arribat l'hora de despertar!

Maybe the time to wake up has arrived!

Caigut de les estrelles,

Having falling from the stars,

Avui alguns creuen que ho has perdut tot.

Today some people think that you've lost everything.

Rodant per la cuneta

Rolling by the roadside

Cantes content una vella cançó...

You happily sing an old song...



(La vida espera)

(Life is awaiting you)

Dies de carretera!

Days on the road!

(La vida espera)

(Life is awaiting you)

Mai no vas voler tornar enrere!

You never wanted to go back!

(La vida espera)

(Life is awaiting you)

El món és a les teves mans...

You have the world in your hands...



Si cada dia està més lluny

If with every passing day

Tot el que has somiat,

That which you have dreamed is further and further away,

Potser ha arribat l'hora de despertar!

Maybe the time to wake up has arrived!

Sentir a la cara un altre cop

To feel once again on your face

El vent gelat del Nord...

The frozen Northerly Wind...

I si ara ets sol, poder confiar en la sort...

And, if now you're alone, you can have faith in your good luck...

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