Translation of the song El refugi artist Sopa de Cabra
El refugi
The Shelter
Hi ha somnis qui esperen,
There are dreams that are waiting,
Massa cors que amaguen secrets:
Too many hearts hiding secrets:
Només demanen fer-se certs!
They're only asking to become true!
Hi ha vells acords qui es trenquen...
There are old chords that break...
Hi ha un avís, ja no queda temps:
There's a warning, there's no time left:
Aquest tren no para, no té frè.
This train won't stop, as it doesn't have brakes.
La Primavera s'escapa,
Spring is running away,
Ja no s'obren més flors.
Blossoms are not opening anymore.
Quan no hi ha volta enrere,
When there's no way to go back,
Ja no compta la sort.
Luck doesn't matter anymore.
La carretera t'empara:
The road protects you:
Sempre et durà a un altre cor!
It will always lead you to another heart!
Un nou desig t'espera
A new desire is waiting for you
Fins que et guanyi la son...
Until sleepiness overcomes you...
Te'n vas de casa;
You leave home;
Ara casa teva és el món,
Now, the world is your house,
Però el sol no brilla igual per tothom.
But the sun doesn't shine the same for everyone.
Et diuen que encara
They tell you that there still are
Hi ha motius per viure creient,
Reasons to keep believing,
Però el preu que es paga, mai no el tens...
But you can never pay the price that must be paid...
La carretera ens empara:
The road is protecting us:
Sempre ens durà a un altre lloc!
It will always lead us somewhere else!
Un nou desig qui espera
A new desire that is waiting for us
Fins que et guanyi la son...
Until sleepiness overtakes you...
La Primavera s'acaba,
Spring is over,
Ja no s'obren les flors.
Blossoms are not opening anymore.
Quan no hi ha volta enrere
When there's no way to go back,
Ja no compta la sort...
Luck doesn't matter anymore...
La Primavera s'escapa,
Spring is running away,
Ja no s'obren més flors.
Blossoms are not opening anymore.
Quan no hi ha volta enrere,
When there's no way to go back,
Mai no compta la sort.
Luck never really matters.
La carretera ens empara:
The road is protecting us:
Sempre ens durà a un altre cor!
It will always lead us to another heart!
Un nou desig qui espera
A new desire is waiting for us
Fins que et guanyi la son...
Until sleepiness overcomes you...