Enllà, més lluny de les estrelles,
Up there, far beyond the stars,
A l'altra cara del mirall;
On the other side of the mirror;
On tot és més senzill d'entendre,
Where it's easier to understand everything,
La porta espera, oberta...
The door awaits you, wide open...
Un pas i ja el teu cor desperta;
One step and now, your hearts is awake;
Un salt i ja no tornaràs!
Jump once and you won't ever go back!
Comptant, la màgia és la primera,
Counting, magic comes first,
Following up...
Els teus somnis
Your dreams,
T'estan esperant!
They are waiting for you!
Vés, no dubtis més...
Go, do not hesitate anymore...
No el veus? A poc a poc s'acosta!
Can't you see it? It's approaching, ever so slowly!
No el sents? El tens al teu costat...
Can't you hear it? It's right by your side...
L'amor té totes les respostes.
Love has all the answers.
És el teu somni:
It's your dream:
T'estava esperant!
It was waiting for you!
Vés, no dubtis més...
Go, do not hesitate anymore...
It's running away!
Lluita pels teus somnis!
Fight for your dreams!
T'estan esperant!
They are waiting for you!
Fes que siguin certs:
Make them become true:
El vent escampa les fulles...
The wind scatters the leaves...
El temps arriba i se'n va;
Time comes and then leaves;
Mai no em demanis la lluna:
Do not ask me for the moon:
Ningú la pot agafar.
No one can grab it.
La vida cau, i la pluja;
Life falls, as well as rain;
El sol ens pot eixugar!
The sun can dry us up!
Sempre canvia la lluna:
The moon is always changing:
Pren el que vulgui donar...
Take whatever it wants to give you...
Pren els teus somnis:
Take your dreams:
T'estan esperant!
They are waiting for you!
Vés, no dubtis més...
Go, do not hesitate anymore...
They're running away!
Fes que no s'ensorrin:
Make sure that they won't crumble:
Vés-los a buscar!
Go after them!
Fes que siguin teus...
Make them yours...
Lluita pels teus somnis!
Fight for your dreams!
T'estan esperant!
They are waiting for you!
Fes que siguin certs:
Make them become true:
Fes que no s'ensorrin:
Make sure that they won't crumble:
Vés-los a buscar!
Go after them!
Fes que siguin certs:
Make them yours...
Mirant, de tant en tant, enrere;
Looking back from time to time;
Als peus a terra, el cor volant...
Your feet on the ground, our hearts flying high...
Endins, el sentiment és tendre:
Deep inside, our feelings are mellow;
Volem seguir somniant...
We want to keep flying...