Translation of the song Em trenques el cor artist Sopa de Cabra
Em trenques el cor
You Break My Heart
Dubtant si agafar aquest tren;
I'm hesitating to catch this train;
«Qui dia passa, diu que anys empeny».
'He who lives one more day, pushes several years ahead'.
La vida truca només un cop,
Life only calls you once,
El que no et mati et farà més fort.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Pel Maig, cada dia un raig;
For May, take a shot of wine each day;
La bota vessa i el vi fa sang.
The wineskin is leaking and the wine becomes blood.
Em dius que tingui seny: cal ser prudent, noi...
You tell me that I should have sense: one must be sensible, boy...
I a poc a poc hi anem deixant el coll!
And slowly, we keep giving our everything!
Deixa'm dir que no tinc por!
Let me say that I'm not afraid!
Deixa que ara parli el cor!
Now, allow the heart to speak!
Deixa'm dir... Deixa'm dir...
Let me say... Let me say...
Baixant la Plaça del Rei,
As I descenf from the King's Square,
El meu amor és la meva llei;
My love is my only law;
La boira és baixa, ni una ànima no es mou...
The fog lays low, not a single soul is moving...
Si fas un pas has llepat del tot!
If you take one step, you're as good as gone!
Gener, qui vol ser el primer?
January, who wants to be the first?
Ningú es fa ric amb el seu alè!
No one becomes rich by just working hard!
Dius que, qui canta, el mal espanta
You say that, he who sings, drives evil away
Fins que el silenci t'enxampa de ple.
Until silence catches you unaware.
Deixa'm dir que no tinc por!
Let me say that I'm not afraid!
Deixa que ara parli el cor!
Now, allow the heart to speak!
Deixa'm dir... Deixa'm dir...
Let me say... Let me say...
Deixa'm dir que no hi ha prou amor!
Let me say that there isn't enough love!
Deixa'm que ara parli amb el cor!
Now, let me speak from my heart!
Deixa'm dir... Deixa'm dir...
Let me say... Let me say...
Aquest dolor ja no té remei:
This pain cannot be alleviated anymore:
La sensació va dient adéu.
The feeling is saying goodbye.
Cal ser valent, noi... Ja he tingut massa seny!
Boy, you must be brave... I've had too much common sense!
Un altre cop hi anem deixant la pell.
Once again, we're slogging our guts out.
Deixa'm dir que no tinc por!
Let me say that I'm not afraid!
Deixa que ara parli el cor!
Now, allow the heart to speak!
Deixa'm dir... Deixa'm dir...
Let me say... Let me say...
Deixa'm dir que no hi ha prou amor!
Let me say that there isn't enough love!
Deixa'm que ara parli amb el cor!
Now, let me speak from my heart!
Deixa'm dir... Deixa'm dir...
Let me say... Let me say...