Translation of the song Entendre l'amor artist Sopa de Cabra


Entendre l'amor

English translation

Understand Love

Tot s'està trencant,

Everything is breaking,

Déu està perdut.

God is lost.

Veig l'ombra d'un gegant:

I see a giant's shadow:

S'enfila pel mur,

He's climbing up the wall.

Ja no hi ha res a dir,

There's nothing left to say anymore,

Encara hi ha tant a fer.

There's still so much to be done.

Fes-ho per mi,

Do it for me,

Però també fes-ho per tu!

But do it for yourself as well!

La pols del camí s'empassa

The road's dust covers

El sol de les rendicions.

The sun of rendition.

Voldries tornar a casa,

You wish you could go back home,

Però et crida la vida...

But life keeps calling you...

T'empaita! T'estimba!

It chases you! It brings you down!

El món s'accelera:

The world accelerates:

No frena, ho capgira tot!

It won't stop, it turns everything upside down!



No hi ha ningú qui pugui encendre els teus ulls

There's no one who can light your eyes up

Si abans no pot encendre el teu cor.

If they can not set your heart alight first.

No hi ha ningú qui pugui entendre el que vull,

There's no one who can understand what I want,

Si abans no pot entendre l'amor.

If they cannot understand love first.

Em pots donar la mà,

You can give me your hand,

Compartir la sort...

Share your luck with me...

Vols seguir endavant;

You want to move forward;

El riu és més fort.

The river gets stronger.

Costa remuntar,

Going back is so hard,

El mar t'arrossegarà.

The sea will drag you away.

Tria a contracor

Reluctantly choose

La vida o la mort.

Between life and death.

Quan la nit és el lloc més segur

When the night is the safest place

I et fa por l'horitzó qui t'espera;

And the awaiting horizon frightens you;

Quan la llei és dolor,

When the law is pain,

No hi ha res al darrere:

There's nothing left behind:

La càrrega és teva.

The burden is yours.

T'empaita! T'estimba!

It chases you! It brings you down!

El món s'accelera:

The world accelerates:

De sobte no frena, no!

It doesn't stop suddenly, no!



No hi ha ningú qui pugui encendre els teus ulls

There's no one who can light your eyes up

Si abans no pot encendre el teu cor.

If they can not set your heart alight first.

No hi ha ningú qui pugui entendre el que vull,

There's no one who can understand what I want,

Si abans no pot entendre l'amor.

If they cannot understand love first.

La porta és oberta,

The door is open,

Els nens estan sols.

The children are all alone.

Sona el telèfon;

The telephone is ringing;

Ningú no respon...

Nobody answers...

Mires cap amunt,

You look up,

Davant no hi ha res.

There's nothing before you.

Vas desfent el salt:

You undo the great jump:

Els déus han caigut.

The gods have all fallen.

Ja no et queda cel,

There's no Heaven left for you,

Sents com l'alè del temps

You feel time's breath

Et va al darrere,

Down your neck,

S'enfila per tu...

Crawling all over you...



No hi ha ningú qui pugui encendre els teus ulls

There's no one who can light your eyes up

Si abans no pot encendre el teu cor.

If they can not set your heart alight first.

No hi ha ningú qui pugui entendre el que vull,

There's no one who can understand what I want,

Si abans no pot entendre l'amor.

If they cannot understand love first.

Pot entendre l'amor...

They can understand love...

Entendre l'amor...

Understand love...

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