Translation of the song Farem que surti el sol artist Sopa de Cabra
Farem que surti el sol
We Shall Make The Sun Rise
Quan el vent et sacseja
When the wind is shaking you
i et crema el sol a la pell,
And the sun is burning your skin.
quan no hi ha dreta ni esquerra,
When there's neither left nor right:
només el cel rogent.
Only a roaring sky.
Miro a fora, el món calla,
I look outside; the world turns silent.
el cami del nord ja és ple,
The road to the North is already full...
no hi ha la porta tancada
There isn't a closed door, anymore,
pels que no tenen res.
For those who don't have anything.
Hi ha un amor a cada pas,
There's love in every step,
però la gent no s'atura,
But people don't stop;
la por ni l'odi no els espantarà,
Neither fear nor hatred will frighten them...
farem que surti el sol
We shall make the sun rise
pels que van perdre-ho tot.
For those who lost everything.
Som el que som,
We are what we are...
som el que fem,
We are what we do...
cantem cançons d'amor
Let's sing love songs
per fer que surti el sol.
To make the sun rise!
El món com balla.
The world is dancing...
Hi ha una guerra perduda,
There's a lost war:
aquí no guanya ningú,
Here, no one is winning.
sempre és massa cara la victòria,
Victory is always too costly;
mai serà prou gran l'embut.
The funnel shall never be big enough.
S'alcen veus a cada instant,
Every instant, voices keep rising...
hi ha gent que no fa cas de la por,
There are people who don't pay any attention to fear:
abans que els somnis, els murs cauran,
Before dreams, walls shall crumble and fall.
farem que surti el sol
We shall make the sun rise
pels que ho han perdut tot.
For those who have lost everything.
Camino i sento
As I walk, I feel
com va bategant el cor,
How my heart is beating.
camino i sento
As I walk, I feel
com segueix callant el món.
How the world is still silent.
No saps qui són,
You don't know who they are...
són el que fan,
They are what they do...
canten cançons d'amor
They sing love songs
per fer que surti el sol.
So they can make the sun rise!
Sents l'amor com calla.
You can hear love turning silent...
Sents el món com balla.
You can hear the world dancing...