Translation of the song Fugaç artist Sopa de Cabra
Crida sense veu avui l'amor
Today, love issues a voiceless cry
Travessant cada ciutat, cada horitzó...
That traverses every town, every horizon...
S'encén, s'apaga el blau en un moment:
In a moment, the blueness lights up and goes off:
Els amants van estimant-se a cops de temps.
Lovers love each other whenever there is a chance.
No els atura mai la por,
Fear never stops them,
No reculen si han caigut,
They don't back down even if they've fallen,
Es van arrancant la pell...
They keep being torn down...
Mai no entens el què no sents!
You can never understand what you haven't felt!
Batega més de pressa avui el món;
Today, the world beats faster;
Va trencant cada promesa, cada cor...
It keeps breaking every promise, every heart...
Ja no compta si ets més fort,
Now, it doesn't matter whether you're stronger,
Ja no importa qui ha perdut.
Now, it doesn't matter who has lost.
Pots buidar el teu cor sencer:
You can empty your entire heart:
Vals només el que no tens!
You're just worth what you don't have!
Et vendran la salvació,
They will sell salvation to you,
Però només depèn de tu.
But it just depends on you.
Pots cridar fort el Seu nom
You can shout out His name very loudly
Si això et fa sentir menys sol...
If that makes you feel less lonely...
Obre el cor!
Open your heart!
És fàcil...
It's easy...
Obre el cor,
Open your heart,
No el tanquis!
Do not close it!
Camina sense encendre un sol record,
Walk on without conjuring a single memory,
Construint una altra vida, un nou esforç...
Building another life, a new effort...
No t'atura mai la por,
Fear never stops you,
No recules si has caigut,
You never back down even if you've fallen,
Et vas arrencant la pell...
You keep being torn down...
Ningú entén el que no sent!
No one can understand what they haven't felt!
Ja no compta qui és més fort,
Now, it doesn't matter who is stronger,
Ja no importa si has perdut.
Now, it doesn't matter whether you have lost.
Pots buidar el teu cor sencer:
You can empty your entire heart:
Vals només el que no tens!
You're just worth what you don't have!
Obre el cor!
Open your heart!
És fàcil...
It's easy...
Saps que es pot:
You know that it can be done:
No et tanquis!
Don't close yourself off!
Obre el cor!
Open your heart!
És fàcil...
It's easy...
Pren l'amor,
Hold on to love,
No et paris!
Do not stop!
És fàcil...
It's easy...
No paris...
Don't stop...
És fàcil...
It's easy...
Do live,
No et tanquis!
Don't close yourself off!
Oh oh...
Oh oh...