Translation of the song Instants del temps artist Sopa de Cabra
Instants del temps
Moments in Time
Cremen quatre selves al teu cor;
Four jungles are burning inside your heart;
Corre, Mare Terra, lluny del foc!
Do run, Mother Earth, away from the fire!
Ja no hi han misteris sota el sol...
There are no mysteries left under the sun...
Tremola, Mare Mar, i ofega-ho tot!
Do tremble, Mother Sea, and drown everything!
Un envàs sense retorn:
A package that cannot be returned:
Així serem tu i jo.
This is how the both of us shall be.
Passatgers a l'últim vol,
Passengers on the last flight,
Haurem d'anar...
We'll be forced to go...
Sempre endavant!
Always forward!
Sempre inventant respostes...
Always fabricating answers...
Sempre esperant en va...
Always waiting in vain...
No som diferents:
We're not different at all:
Només instants del temps.
Only moments in time.
Qui anirà a buscar-te si te'n vas?
Who will go to seek you out if you leave?
Qui t'esperarà amb el cor trencat?
Who will wait for you with a broken heart?
Qui vindrà al matí a dur-te el sol?
Who will come every morning, to bring the sun to you?
Qui anirà a donar-li corda al món?
Who will go and wind the world up for you?
Si tot fos una il·lusió,
If everything were an illusion,
Potser em faria por.
I would possibly be afraid.
Si ara som reals tu i jo,
If you and I are real right now,
Haurem d'anar...
We'll be forced to go...
Sempre endavant!
Always forward!
Sempre inventant respostes...
Always fabricating answers...
Sempre esperant en va...
Always waiting in vain...
No som diferents:
We're not different at all:
Només instants del temps.
Only moments in time.
Sempre endavant!
Always forward!
Sempre sembrant preguntes...
Always sowing questions...
Sempre fugint, de què?
Always escaping, from what?
Digue'm on anem:
Tell me where we're going:
Per què seguim corrent?
Why are we still running?
Sempre endavant!
Always forward!
Sempre inventant respostes...
Always fabricating answers...
Sempre esperant en va...
Always waiting in vain...
No som diferents:
We're not different at all:
Només instants del temps.
Only moments in time.