Translation of the song L'Empordà artist Sopa de Cabra



English translation


Nascut entre Blanes i Cadaqués

Born between Blanes1 and Cadaqués2,

Molt tocat per la tramuntana

heavily marked by tramuntana3.

D'una sola cosa pots estar segur

Of one thing you can be sure:

Quan més vell més tocat de l'ala

the older he gets, the more crazy he becomes.

Sempre deia que a la matinada es mataria

He used to say that he’d kill himself at dawn,

Però cap al migdia anava ben torrat

but towards the noon he would be quite stoned.

Somriu I diu que no té pressa

He smiles and says that he’s not in a hurry.

Ningú m'espera allà dalt

Nobody’s waiting for me up there

I anar a l'infern no m'interessa

and I’m not interested in going to Hell.

És molt més bonic l'empordà

L'Empordà4 is very beautiful.

Varen passar ampolles I anys

Bottles and years went by

I en siset encara aguantava

and Siset5 still held on tight,

Dormint la mona a la vora del ter

sleeping away his hangover on the bank of Ter6,

Però ell mai no s'hi tirava

but he’s never thrown himself into it.

Sempre deia que a la matinada es mataria

He used to say that he’d kill himself at dawn,

Però cap al migdia anava ben torrat

but towards the noon he would be quite stoned.

Somriu I diu que no té pressa

He smiles and says that he’s not in a hurry.

Ningú m'espera allà dalt

Nobody’s waiting for me up there

I anar a l'infern no m'interessa

and I’m not interested in going to Hell.

És molt més bonic l'empordà

L'Empordà is very beautiful.

Somriu I diu que no té pressa

He smiles and says that he’s not in a hurry.

Ningú m'espera allà dalt

Nobody’s waiting for me up there

I anar a l'infern no m'interessa

and I’m not interested in going to Hell.

És molt més bonic l'empordà

L'Empordà is very beautiful.

I quan veig la llum de l'alba

And when I see the dawn break,

Se'm treuen les ganes de marxar

it takes away my wish to leave.

Potser que avui no es suicidi

Possibly today he won’t commit suicide;

Potser ho deixi fins demà

maybe he’ll leave it until tomorrow.

Fins demà

Until tomorrow7

Fins demà

Until tomorrow

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