Translation of the song La darrera mirada enrere artist Sopa de Cabra


La darrera mirada enrere

English translation

The Last Glance Back

Quan et vaig conèixer

When I met you

vaig tenir un flaix;

I had a flash;

era clar que eres tu

It was clear you you were

el que m'havia de passar.

What had to happen to me.

Tot d'una, vaig viure

All of a sudden, I lived

al teu costat,

By your side,

ara fa massa temps...

It's now been for too long...

Solitud que, amb el teu record,

Loneliness that, with your memory,

s'esvaeix com si fós el fum

Dissipates like the smoke

d'aquell foc d'estels

From the fire of those stars

qui cremen als teus ulls...

That burn in your eyes...

Als teus ulls...

In your eyes...

Vine i mostra'm el vent

Come and show me that wind

que fa màgic l'alè

Which turns magical the breath

del teu cos!

Coming from your body!

Vine i tornem al jardí

Come and let's return to that garden

on tu i jo vam ser

Where both you and I were

un sol foc!

A single flame!

La llum del dia ja se'n va:

The daylight is fading:

tot el que comença ha d'acabar.

All that starts must end at some point.

Tu has agafat un tren

You have caught a train

que no saps on et durà

And you don't know where it will lead you

i jo, un camí

And I, I've taken a path

que mai no esborrarà

That shall never erase

la darrera mirada enrere....

That last glance back...

La darrera mirada enrere...

The last glance back...

La darrera mirada enrere...

The last glance back...

La darrera mirada enrere...

The last glance back...

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