Translation of the song La llibertat artist Sopa de Cabra
La llibertat
Tot resta enrere:
Everything is left behind:
Segueix endavant!
Keep moving forward!
Només val la pena
The only thing that's worth it all
La llibertat...
Is freedom...
Sense promeses,
Without any promises,
Sense dubtar,
Without hesitation,
Sense recança,
Without any regrets,
Pas a pas...
Step by step...
Cau del cel...
It's falling from the sky...
Cau la neu;
The snow is falling;
Cau a terra
On the earth
Un altre estel.
Another star falls.
Cada instant,
Every instant,
Cada intent,
Every attempt,
Cada encert que tens,
Every success you have,
Cada pal...
Every bad turn...
El sol s’aixeca;
The sun is rising;
Mai brilla en va.
it never shines in vain.
Una desfeta, no...
A misstep, no...
No és el final!
It isn't the end!
Gira la terra
The earth keeps turning
Dins el mirall.
Within the mirror.
Gira i es trenca:
It turns and it breaks:
No val plorar...
Crying isn't allowed...
Cau l’amor...
Love falls...
Cau la llum del cel;
The light falls from the sky;
Cau la pedra
The stone crashes
Sobre el gel.
Through the ice.
Cada encert
Every success
I cada nou intent,
And every new attempt,
Cada guerra,
Every war,
Cada gest...
Every gesture...
No miris enrere:
Do not look back:
Segueix endavant!
Keep moving forward!
Només et resta
The only thing you have left
La llibertat.
Is freedom.