Translation of the song Mala sang artist Sopa de Cabra
Mala sang
Bad Blood
La nit m'envolta,
The night surrounds me,
les llums se'm tornen fosques;
The lights all turn dark;
t'escric a les parets,
I write to you on the walls,
m'allunyo de les coses...
I withdraw from all things.
La vida es fora,
Life is all out,
la lluna és buida i nova.
The moon is empty and new.
Sota els meus peus fa fred:
Underneath my feet, there's cold:
no hi ha flors, només ombres!
There aren't any flowers, only shadows!
Sé que te'n vas, que no estàs sola...
I know that you're leaving, that you're not alone...
Sé que no et queda res per mi:
I know that you have nothing left for me:
m'és ben igual si no em perdones
I don't care at all if you won't forgive me
que sigui tal com soc,
For being the way that I am,
que em senti així per tu!
For feeling this way about you!
Va ser tan fàcil...
It was so easy...
Avui tot se'm cargola!
Today everything becomes difficult for me!
No vull estar vençut,
I don't want to be defeated,
cansat ni decebut.
Tired or disappointed.
La meva història
My story
em sembla la d'un altre home:
Seems to me to belong to another man:
només miralls trencats,
Only broken mirrors,
només imatges tortes.
Only misshapen images.
La nit s'acaba
The night ends
i al pic del dia
And in the highest point of the day
em sento al fons d'un pou;
I feel as if I were at the bottom of a pit;
el cor desert...
My heart all empty...
El sol em cega,
The sun blinds me,
però tot i així
But in spite of all this
jo em veig aquí tot sol.
I find myself here, all alone.
Tan sol com un ocell
As alone as a bird
qui va darrera el vent...
That chases the wind...
Se m'han tancat totes les portes
All doors are now closed for me
i ja no em resta res per dir.
And I've nothing left to say.
Sé que ara ets lluny, que no estàs sola...
I know that now you're far away, that you're not alone...
Que s'ha acabat el joc
That the game is over
i el que he perdut, sóc jo!
And what I have lost, is myself!
La nit s'acaba
The night ends
i, un altre dia,
And, one more day,
em sento al fons d'un pou;
I feel I'm at the bottom of a pit;
el cor desert...
My heart all empty...
El sol em cega
The sun blinds me,
però tot i així
But in spite of all this
jo em veig aquí tot sol.
I find myself here, all alone.
Ran sol com un ocell
As alone as a bird
qui va buscant el vent.
That keeps looking for the wind.
S'acabarà la nit algun dia, si...
Someday, the night will end, yes...
S'acabarà la nit
The night will end
i no tindré mai...
And I there won't be...
No! No mai...
No! No! Never...
Mala sang!
Bad blood!
Mala sang!
Bad blood!
No tindré mala sang!
There won't be bad blood!
Cap mala sang...
Not any bad blood...
No oh oh!
No ho ho!