Translation of the song No vull canviar de pell artist Sopa de Cabra
No vull canviar de pell
I Don't Want to Shed My Skin
El que tinc, el que sóc
What I have, what I am
Pot ser casual i també pot durar poc.
May be casual and it also may last very little.
El que vull, el que faig
What I want, what I do
Pot fer-te mal si ets sempre al meu costat...
Can hurt you if you're always by my side...
No! No!
No! No!
No pensis que és dolent:
Don't you think that it's evil:
Només és rock & roll.
It's only rock & roll.
Vaig canviant de ciutat;
I keep moving cities;
No sé d'on vinc, tampoc recordo allà on vaig.
I don't know where I'm coming from, I don't remember where I'm going. either.
Ja no sé quants anys... Jo no sé què faig:
I've lost the count of the years... I don't know what I'm doing:
Quan millor em va, més perdut vull estar.
The better things are, the more I want to get lost.
Però no: no pensis malament!
But no: don't you think badly (about it all)!
Jo només vull un món diferent.
I just want a different world.
No vull canviar de pell:
I don't want to shed my skin:
M'estimo més només un món diferent.
I'd rather just have a different world.
Amb la nit, els somnis cauen
With the night, dreams fall down
Al terra brut d'algun bar, o al mig del fang.
To some bar's dirty floor, or amidst the mud.
Demà ja és massa tard
Tomorrow will already be too late
Per viure d'un temps que ha passat
To live a time that has already passed
I que ja no podrà tornar mai... Ai, ei, ei, ei...
And won't ever be able to return... Ah, hey, hey, hey...
He sentit cridar el meu cor
I have heard my heart screaming
Com un ocell qui vol escapar,
Like a bird that wants to escape,
Però no sap on ha d'anar,
But doesn't know where to go
Ni vol seguir pistes falses.
And doesn't want to follow false clues, either.
Tampoc no vol viure d'enganys
It also doesn't want to live on lies
Que el facin sentir més estrany... Ei, ei, ei...!
That will make it feel even stranger... Hey, hey, hey...!
Al carrer, tanta gent:
There are so many people in the street:
Vull trobar a algú a qui pugui estimar.
I want to find someone to love.
No tinc prou, no... Satisfacció!
I don't have enough, no... Satisfaction!
si algú em mossega em sentiré millor.
If someone bites me, I shall feel better.
No! No!
No! No!
No vull canviar de pell!
I don't want to shed my skin!
No! No!
No! No!
No vull canviar de pell!
I don't want to shed my skin!
No vull deixar que el temps em faci córrer:
I don't want to allow time to make me rush:
No vull canviar de pell,
I don't want to shed my skin,
Jo només vull un món diferent!
I just want a different world!