Translation of the song Només es amor artist Sopa de Cabra


Només es amor

English translation

It's Only Love

Tu, que fas veure que ets feliç;

You, who pretend that you're happy;

Que no trobes el camí...

You cannot find your own way...

Tu, qui em mires de reüll.

You, that look at me askance.

Sí, tu, que ara estrenes nou estil,

Yes, you, who are now wearing a new stile,

Però mai t'has mirat per dins;

Though you've never looked inside of yourself;

Tu, qui jutges a tothom.

Who, who judge everyone.

Ara vull parlar-te

Now, I want to speak to you

Fins que em miris a la cara:

Until you look right into my face:

Saps que no hem de demostrar

You know that we shouldn't show

Que som millors.

That we are better.

Ara, vull cantar-te

Now, I want to sing to you

Ja per última vegada,

For the very last time,

Com si fossis tot el que ara

As if you were everything that, now,

Em resta al món...

I have left in this world...

Tu i jo sols,

You and I alone,

Sense por...

Without any fear...



Només és amor,

It's only love,

Amor el que vols

Love is what you want

Quan em dius que tot plegat no té sentit.

When you tell me that nothing makes any sense at all.

Només és amor,

It's only love,

Amor el que et donc

Love is what I give you

Quan et veig com tu t'allunyes dins la nit...

Whenever I watch you walking away into the night...

Sense por,

Without fear,

És amor!

It's love!

Tu, qui t'emportes la il·lusió;

You, who take away my hopes;

Tu, qui sempre has tingut raó,

You, who have always been right,

Ara no tens res a dir.

Now you don't have anything to say.

Sí, tu, que ara corres al teu Nord;

Yes, you, who are looking for a guide;

Tu, qui avui fas el cor fort...

You, who take the bull by the horns...

Tu, que no vols perdre el fil.

You, who don't want to lose the way.



Només és amor,

It's only love,

Amor el que vols

Love is what you want

Quan em dius que tot plegat no té sentit.

When you tell me that nothing makes any sense at all.

Només és amor,

It's only love,

Amor el que et donc

Love is what I give you

Quan et veig com tu t'allunyes dins la nit...

Whenever I watch you walking away into the night...

Sense por,

Without fear,

És amor!

It's love!

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