Translation of the song On dorm l'amor artist Sopa de Cabra
On dorm l'amor
Where Love Sleeps
Quan et llencen
When they throw you
Al bressol, sense més,
Into the cradle, without care,
El batec i el plor,
Both heartbeat and tears,
Sempre pensa
Always think
Que hi ha un lloc dins el temps
That there's a place within time
On dorm l'amor...
Where love sleeps...
Vides que corren
Life that flow away
Per camins de plom,
Down roads of lead,
Peus per la sorra
Feet touch the sand
Dels deserts del cor.
In the deserts of our hearts.
Dins el ventre,
In our bellies,
Quan la vida s'encén
When life lights up
On dorm l'amor...
Where love sleeps...
Dies de roure...
Days of oak wood...
Només pots ser fort!
You can only be strong!
Mars que es desborden:
Overflowing seas:
Ho arrosseguen tot!
They drag everything away!
Ara crema
Now, ever lighthouse
Cada far, pel vaixell
Is lit up, for that ship
Que no troba port.
That cannot find a haven.
They burn away...
Aviat arribarem
Soon, we shall arrive
On dorm l'amor...
Where love sleeps...