Translation of the song Pell de lluna artist Sopa de Cabra
Pell de lluna
Moonlike Skin
Plouen les paraules,
Words are raining,
Corren els acords
Chords are running
Darrere del teu nom.
After your name.
Volen les imatges,
Images are soaring,
Tornen els records
Memories return
Portant la teva olor.
Carrying your scent with them.
Fum de l'herba
Smoke from grass
Entre les branques,
Amidst the branches,
Vas cremant la millor flor.
You're burning the best flower.
Pell de lluna
Moonlike skin
Amb ulls de pluja:
With eyes like rain:
Alè de mil colors!
A breath of a thousand colours!
Vas dibuixant el món...
You're drawing the world...
Ploren les paraules,
Words are weeping,
Cauen els acords,
Chords are falling,
Ben molls del teu record.
Utterly soaked by your memory.
El camí no té tornada;
We cannot turn back in this path;
Cada dia és un tresor.
Every day is a treasure.
Sense roba i sense ràbia,
Without any clothes and without any rage,
Vestits d'aigua i sol.
Dressed with water and sunlight.
Cos contra cos, confonc...
Body to body, I keep confusing...
Quan el teu somriure em mira poc a poc,
When your smile peers at me really slowly,
El meu neguit s'acaba.
My anguish ceases.
Quan a sobre meu et mous a poc a poc,
When you move all over me really slowly,
Res ja no té importància.
Nothing is important anymore.
Plouen les paraules,
Words are raining,
Cauen els acords,
Chords are falling,
Volen les imatges
Images are soaring
Cap al teu record.
Towards your memory.
Cos contra cos, confonc...
Body to body, I keep confusing...
Quan el teu somriure em mira poc a poc,
When your smile peers at me really slowly,
El meu neguit s'acaba.
My anguish ceases.
Quan a sobre meu et mous a poc a poc,
When you move all over me really slowly,
Res ja no té importància...
Nothing is important anymore.
I després, per no cansar-te,
And later on, to avoid tiring you out,
Sóc jo qui puja i baixa.
I'm the one who goes up and down.
I després, per no cansar-te,
And later on, to avoid tiring you out,
El meu neguit s'acaba...
My anguish ceases...