Translation of the song Seguirem somniant artist Sopa de Cabra
Seguirem somniant
We Shall Keep Dreaming
Hi ha un home que ha marxat de casa
There's a man who has left his home;
Que no ha acceptat la rendició
He hasn't accepted rendition.
Un home en braços del seu àngel
A man who lies in his angel's arms...
Hi ha algú que ja ha vençut la por.
There's someone who, now, has defeated fear.
Un home agafa una guitarra
A man grabs a guitar,
Un home llença un crit al vent
A man screams to the wind,
Un home mira el buit i salta
A man looks into the void and jumps...
Hi ha algú que ja ha burlat el temps.
There's someone who has already escaped time.
Seguirem somiant
We shall keep dreaming,
Escoltarem la llum
We'll keep listening to the light
Mentre el món és mou dins els teus ulls.
While the world keeps turning inside your eyes.
Seguirem cantant
We shall keep singing,
Ensorrarem els murs
We shall throw all the walls down:
Anirem sempre més lluny.
We will always reach for more.
Hi ha un home que ara estén les ales
Now, there's a man spreading his wings;
Un home que ha tocat el cel
He's a man who has touched the sky.
No tornarà mai més a casa
He will never go back home...
Hi ha algú que ja ha pagat el preu.
There's someone who has already paid the price.
Seguirem somiant
We shall keep dreaming,
Escoltarem la llum
We'll keep listening to the light
Mentre el món és mou dins dels teus ulls.
While the world keeps turning inside your eyes.
Seguirem lluitant
We shall keep fighting,
Ensorrarem els murs
We shall throw all the walls down:
Anirem sempre més lluny.
We will always reach for more.
Seguirem cantant
We shall keep singing,
Escoltarem la llum
We'll keep listening to the light
Mentre el món és mou sense els teus ulls.
While the world keeps turning inside your eyes.
Hi ha un home per la corda fluixa
There's a man walking a tightrope...
Hi ha un home que ara ja és del món.
There's a man who, now, belongs to the whole world...