Translation of the song Solstici artist Sopa de Cabra



English translation


Miro les estrelles, però s'han fos:

I look at the stars but they've all burned out:

La llum és un record.

Their like is but a memory.

Brillen en silenci, tenen son;

They shine in silence, they're sleepy;

Se'n van a un altre món...

They're travelling to another world...

A un altre món...

Another world...

No ens deixaran mai sols,

They shall never leave us alone,

No ens sentirem menys forts.

We shall never feel less strong.

Sabrem que no és un joc...

We'll know that this isn't a game...

Que no és un joc...

It isn't a game...

Sabrem com és el món

We'll know how the world is

Mirant el cel!

By just looking at the sky!

No cridis, no:

Don't scream, no:

Ve el dolor,

Pain shall come,

Pots despertar la por.

You could awaken fear.

No et deixaré mai, no,

I will never leave you, no,

Aquí tot sol;

All alone in here;

Em quedaré despert

I shall remain awake

Al teu cantó..

Right by your side...



Com la pols se'n van,

Like dust, they're blown away,

Mai no tornaran...

They won't ever return...

Però, quan la nit

But, when the night

S'encén un altre cop,

Lights up once again,

Miro allà dalt...

I look up there...

Miro allà dalt...

I look up there...

Hi ha un lloc per tu

There's a place for you

Dins el cor:

Inside my heart:

Tot és tan buit!

Everything is so empty!

Somric quan tanco els ulls...

I smile whenever I close my eyes...

No, no, no!

No, no, no!

Si els obro ets massa lluny,

If I open my eyes, you're too far away,

Al cel brillant...

Shining up in the sky...



Com la pols se'n van,

Like dust, they're blown away,

Mai no tornaran...

They won't ever return...

Però, quan la nit

But, when the night

S'encén un altre cop,

Lights up once again,

Miro allà dalt...

I look up there...

Miro allà dalt...

I look up there...



Però, quan la nit

But, when the night

S'encén un altre cop,

Lights up once again,

Miro allà dalt...

I look up there...

Miro allà dalt...

I look up there...

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