Translation of the song Vaixell perdut artist Sopa de Cabra
Vaixell perdut
Lost Ship
Tots els ponts de la vella memòria
All the havens from old memory
Hem anat omplint amb deixalles i amb fang.
We have gradually filled with rubbish and mud...
Són la plaga de la vida:
They're the bane of life:
Sembla l'agonia estesa del mil·lenni errant.
It looks like the spreading agony of the errant millennium.
Vaig sentir un home qui cantava:
I heard a man who sang:
«És qui neda i sura només el que se salva».
'Only he who swims and floats, can save himself'.
Jo era un nen i esperava el diluvi....
I was a child and expected the great flood...
M'he anat fent més gran.
I have been glowing up.
Hi ha un lloc al vaixell per tu.
There's a place in the ship for you.
Hi ha un lloc pels que s'han perdut.
There's a place for those who have gotten lost.
Veniu a buscar aixopluc:
Come here and seek shelter:
Veniu o us ofegareu!
Come, or else you will all be drowned!
Quan el temps era menys que una paraula,
When time was less than a word,
Va sorgir la vida, casualment, de l'aigua.
Life emerged, casually, from the waters.
Ara que es va accelerant la farsa,
Now that the farce is going faster,
L'aiguader durà la darrera carta.
The deluge will play the last card.
Cada nit, quan la lluna canta,
Every night, when the moon is singing,
Com Noè ja feia construint la barca.
Just like Noah did when he was building his ark.
Aviat arreu les rescloses del cel s'obriran de cop!
Soon the gates of Heaven will suddenly burst open!
'Nirem a l'infern... 'Nirem cap al Cel!
We shall go to hell... We shall go to Heaven!
Hi ha un lloc al vaixell per tu.
There's a place in the ship for you.
Hi ha un lloc pels que s'han perdut.
There's a place for those who have gotten lost.
Veniu a buscar aixopluc:
Come here and seek shelter:
Veniu al vaixell perdut!
Come aboard the lost ship!
La muntanya ja no hi és...
The mountain isn't there anymore...
La política no hi és...
Politics are not there...
I l'astre pàlid ja no hi és!
And the pale star isn't there anymore!
L'economia ja no hi és...
The economy isn't there anymore...
Aquella illa ja no hi és...
That island isn't there anymore...
I la mentida ja no hi és!
And lies aren't there anymore!
Hi ha un lloc al vaixell per tu.
There's a place in the ship for you.
Hi ha un lloc pels que s'han perdut.
There's a place for those who have gotten lost.
Veniu a buscar aixopluc:
Come here and seek shelter:
Veniu al vaixell perdut!
Come aboard the lost ship!
La muntanya ja no hi és...
The mountain isn't there anymore...
La política no hi és...
Politics are not there...
I l'astre pàlid ja no hi és!
And the pale star isn't there anymore!
L'economia ja no hi és...
The economy isn't there anymore...
Aquella illa ja no hi és...
That island isn't there anymore...
I la mentida ja no hi és!
And lies aren't there anymore!
Hi ha un lloc al vaixell per tu.
There's a place in the ship for you.
Hi ha un lloc pels que s'han perdut.
There's a place for those who have gotten lost.
Veniu a buscar aixopluc:
Come here and seek shelter:
Veniu o us ofegareu!
Come, or else you will all be drowned!
O us ofegareu...!
Or else you will all drown...!