Translation of the song Classy Savage artist iKON

English, Korean

Classy Savage

English translation

Classy Savage

비슷한 것 같지 우린 뼛속까지 다름

It seems similar, we're different from the core

아이 창피하다가도 멍석 깔면 바름

Even if we're embarrassed, we're the best on stage

Born classy boy 남녀노소 내게깍듯

Born classy boy, men, and women, just like me

K-예술을 퍼뜨리러 바다까지가름

To spread K-Art, going to the sea

우리 퍼거리 아님관심 없어

It's not in our gang, I don't care

싹둑 싹둑 자름 우리 첨 봤다 하면

Cut, cut, cut up in slices if its your first time seeing us

뚜두뚜두 취향저격 맞음

Ddu-du-du-du is my correct type

인기를 논하자면 네 조카도 우리 노래 알음

To talk about popularity, your nephew also knows our song

Classy as savage, 야만적인 아름다움

Classy as savage, pretty savage

검은색 빨간빛이

Black red light

All up in it, make it rain, like

All up in it, make it rain, like

Yeah, we some f boys you can't manage

Yeah, we some f boys you can't manage

또 이 어려운 걸 해내지

We did this difficult thing again

우린 신사다운 savage

We're gentleman savage

We some 너네 맘을 savage

We some classy savage

Bam, bam, bam!

Bam, bam, bam!

Bah-dah-bam, bam, bam!

Bah-dah-bam, bam, bam!

You better run, run, run

You better run, run, run

Bam, bam, bam!

Bam, bam, bam!

Bah-dah-bah, bah

Bah-dah-bah, bah

You better run, run, run

You better run, run, run

All my diamonds, they yellow or bright white

All my diamonds, they yellow or bright white

Got 'em blind, can't find me, I'm outta sight

Got'em blind, can't find me, I'm outta sight

If you mad, stay mad, we not alike

If you mad, stay mad, we not alike

S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it classy, classy savage

S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it classy, ​​classy savage

비슷한 것 같지 우린 뼛속까지 다름

It seems similar, we're different to our bones

아이 창피하다가도 멍석 깔면 바름

Even if you're embarrassed by a child, apply it you stupid

Born skinny, b*tch 암만 살쪄도 난 마름

Born skinny, b*tch, even if I gain weight, I'm dry

계산은 느려도 눈치는 빠름

Calculation is slow but visible

검은색 분홍빛이

The black pink

All up in it, make it lit, like

All up in it, make it lit, like

Yeah, we some b*tches you can't manage

Yeah, we some b*tches you can't manage

또 이 어려운 걸 해내지

I do this difficult thing again

우린 예쁘장한 savage

We are pretty savage

We some 예쁘장한 savage

We some pretty savage

Bam, bam, bam!

Bam, bam, bam!

Bah-dah-bam, bam, bam!

Bah-dah-bam, bam, bam!

You better run, run, run

You better run, run, run

Bam, bam, bam!

Bam, bam, bam!

Bah-dah-bah, bah

Bah-dah-bah, bah

You better run, run, run

You better run, run, run

All my diamonds, they yellow or bright white

All my diamonds, they yellow or bright white

Got 'em blind, can't find me, I'm outta sight

Got'em blind, can't find me, I'm outta sight

If you mad, stay mad, we not alike

If you mad, stay mad, we not alike

S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it classy, classy savage

S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it classy, ​​classy savage

Pretty boy

Pretty boy

웃어주지만 마냥 착하진 않아

I smile but I'm not just as nice

And I wish you would

And I wish you would

비바람이 불수록 더 높이 날아

The more the rain and the wind blow, higher it flies

I got nothin' left to say to you

I got nothin' left to say to you

원하면 보여줄게 attitude

If you want, I'll show you attitude

굳이 말 안 해도 다 알잖아

You know everything even if you don't have to say

You know

You know

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Woah, ​iKON!

Woah, iKON!



Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na



Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

Oh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na



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