Translation of the song 덤앤더머 (DUMB & DUMBER) artist iKON

English, Korean

덤앤더머 (DUMB & DUMBER)

English translation

Dumb & Dumber

Party people we about to go stupid now

Party people we about to go stupid now

Let's get dumb then get dumber

Let's get dumb then get dumber

Let's get dumb olle olle

Let's get dumb olle olle

Let's get dumb olle olle

Let's get dumb olle olle

Let's get dumb olle olle

Let's get dumb olle olle

We going yeah

We going yeah

난 품위 없어 난 숨김없어

I don't have class I don't hide anything

그래서 수위는 높아

That's why my level is high

숨 쉴 틈이 없어

There's no time to breathe

자연스런 슬랩스틱

A natural slapstick

오늘 파티 느낌은 클래식 Yeah

Today's party is classic yeah

짐 캐리보다 더 Getting dumb

Getting more dumb than Jim Carrey

맘껏 뽐내 너의 객기

Let out your wild side

눈 돌아가지

Eyes roll back

When I enter the room

When I enter the room

싫을 만도 하지

Of course you hate me

너의 Spotlight 은 내 꺼

Cause your spotlight is mine

춤을 춰 춤을 춰 집 나간 정신

Dance dance like you're crazy

뜨거운 오늘 밤 들어와 여기

Tonight is hot come inside here

Uh 느껴지는 열기

You can feel the heat

월드컵처럼 일으켜 경기

It's gonna be game on like the World Cup

Oh baby 거기 누구 없나요

Oh baby is anyone there?

내 마음이 외로워요

My heart is lonely

그렇게 쳐다보지 말아요

Don't look at me like that

그 눈빛이 차가워요

Those eyes are cold

저 달이 차오를 때면

When the moon is full

소리쳐 라라라라라

Shout out lalalala

난 그저 취하고 싶어

I just wanna get drunk

소리쳐 라라라라라

Shout out lalalala

Go dumb and dumber

Go dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Let's get dumb 다 바보처럼

Let's get dumb let's all get dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Let's get dumb 얼간이처럼

Let's get dumb like a fool

Ladi dadi 재밌는 놀이

Ladi dadi a fun game

좋은 게 좋은 거지 뭐

What's good is good

We going dumb and dumber

We going dumb and dumber

Ladi dadi 재밌는 놀이

Ladi dadi a fun game

좋은 게 좋은 거지 뭐

What's good is good

느낌이 왔어

I got a feeling

Uh 볼륨을 높여

Uh turn up the volume

쿵쾅대는 베이스가

I feel the booming bass

느껴져 머리 어깨 발끝까지

From my head shoulders to my toes

So turned up (Turned up)

So turned up (Turned up)

Get pumped up (Get pumped up)

Get pumped up (Get pumped up)

비틀비틀 뒤뚱뒤뚱

Swaying swaying stumbling stumbling

거리는 모습이 마치 펭귄

You look like a penguin

Oh baby 거기 누구 없나요

Oh baby is anyone there?

내 마음이 외로워요

My heart is lonely

그렇게 쳐다보지 말아요

Don't look at me like that

그 눈빛이 차가워요

Those eyes are cold

저 달이 차오를 때면

When the moon is full

소리쳐 라라라라라

Shout out lalalala

난 그저 취하고 싶어

I just wanna get drunk

소리쳐 라라라라라

Shout out lalalala

Go dumb and dumber

Go dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Let's get dumb 다 바보처럼

Let's get dumb let's all get dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb and dumber

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Let's get dumb 얼간이처럼

Let's get dumb like a fool

Ladi dadi 재밌는 놀이

Ladi dadi a fun game

좋은 게 좋은 거지 뭐

What's good is good

We going dumb and dumber

We going dumb and dumber

Ladi dadi 재밌는 놀이

Ladi dadi a fun game

좋은 게 좋은 거지 뭐

What’s good is good

Break it down

Break it down

하늘이 빙글빙글

The sky is spinning

머리가 지끈지끈

My head is hurting

걸음은 뒤뚱뒤뚱

My walk is stumbling

We going dumb

We going dumb

Move 하늘이 빙글빙글

Move the sky is spinning

Move 머리가 지끈지끈

Move my head is hurting

Move 걸음은 뒤뚱뒤뚱

Move my walk is stumbling

Watch me go dumb

Watch me go dumb







Watch me go dumb

Watch me go dumb







We goin dumb and dumber

We going dumb and dumber







Watch me go dumb

Watch me go dumb







We goin dumb and dumber

We going dumb and dumber

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