Znam da će kiša opet donijeti tugu
I know rain will bring sadness again
U očima mojim izbrisati sjaj.
It will erase the glow in my eyes.
Znam da ću čekat sa strepnjom u sebi
I know I will wait with anxiety inside me
Hoćeš li reći da svemu je kraj.
Whether you'll say everything is over.
I padat će dugo, dugo, predugo
And it will rain for a long time, long, too long
Jer svaki bez tebe, kišan je dan.
Because every day without you is a rainy day.
I padat će dugo jer uvijek je tako
And it will rain for a long time because it is always so
Jer nisam s tobom, jer ja sam sam.
Because I'm not with you, 'cause I'm alone.
Moj svijet, sav svijet,
My world, whole world,
Opet će kišne kapi noćas isprati.
Again willl be washed out by the raindrops.
Taj svijet možda će jednom
That world will maybe once
Novu ljubav donijeti.
Bring a new love.
Sunce nek' mi sja, radost da mi da
My sun shine on me, to give me joy
Usne nek' mi, napukle od boli i samoće, izliječi
May it cure my lips, chapped by pain and loneliness
I da umiri me.
And also to calm me.
I sjesti ću jednom na to staro mjesto
And I will sit once at that old place
I čekat ću kišu da me pronađe
And I'll wait for the rain to find me
A znat ću šta nosi - ništa baš tvoje,
Though I'll know what it brings - simply nothing of yours,
Samo tišinu i sjećanja.
Just silence and memories.
I sjesti ću jednom na to staro mjesto
And I will sit once at that old place
I čekat ću kišu da me pronađe
And I'll wait for the rain to find me
A znat ću šta nosi - ništa baš tvoje,
Though I'll know what it brings - simply nothing of yours,
Samo tišinu i sjećanja.
Just silence and memories.