Translation of the song Lito umire artist Neno Belan
Lito umire
Summer is Dying
Prve kapi padaju
First drops falling
Jesen počinje
Autumn begins
Oko nas se mijenja sve
Everything around us is changing
Lito umire..
Summer is dying...
A kada krene padati
And when it starts to fall
Ja poželim
I wish
Da je zagrlim
I was holding her
Tada stanem, sjetim se
Then I stop, I remember
Hej, ti, sad kasno je
Hey, you, it's late now
Daleko od mene je
Far from me
Daleko je njezin svijet,
Far away is her world,
Predalek do tamo let..
Flying over there takes too long...
Uspomene sve na nju
All the memories of her
Samo neka ostanu,
Just those can stay
Neka budu tu..
They can be here...
Htio bih poluditi
I feel like going crazy
Da zaboravim
So I'd forget
Al’ ne mogu podnijeti
But I can't stand
Da je ostavim
Leaving her
I dok kiše padaju
And while the rains are falling
Opet pomišljam na nju
I think of her again
Da je barem tu
If she were only here
Ja ću čekat sunca sjaj
I will wait for the sunshine
Za nas i sretan kraj!
For us and the happy end!
Daleko od mene je
Far from me
Daleko je njezin svijet,
Far away is her world,
Predalek do tamo let..
Flying over there takes too long...
Uspomene sve na nju
All the memories of her
Samo neka ostanu,
Just those can stay
Neka budu tu..
They can be here...
Noćas sanjao sam san,
I had a dream last night
Otok sreće, ti i ja
Happiness island, you and me
Zajedno ko' nekada..
Together like before...
Sada odgovore znam
Now I know the answers
Trebam samo zagrljaj
I only need a hug
Njezin zagrljaj..
Her hug...
Prve kapi padaju
First drops are falling
Jesen počinje
Autumn begins
Oko nas se mijenja sve
Everything around us is changing
Lito umire..
Summer is dying...