Translation of the song Ponoćna Zvona artist Neno Belan
Ponoćna Zvona
Midnight bells
Ponoćna zvona, odjek spor i lijen
Midnight bells...slow and lazy echo..
baš kao i one noći kada bio sam njen
Just like that night when i had her..
kad mi je rekla, zauvijek sam tvoja
When she told me I'm yours forever
s tobom ću čitav život, ljubav ti si moja
i'll be with you all my life,- my love, that's you...
Pust je moj grad
My town is lonely
hodam polako niz ulicu
I'm walking slowly down the street
čini mi se kao da joj još mogu čuti
And it seems that I can still feel
dodir na svome licu
her touch on my face..
Voljeh je više nego
I loved her more than
što ima zvijezda na nebu
sky have stars,
sjeti li se ikad mene iz Splita
I wonder does she ever remember Split and me
tamo gore u hladnom Zagrebu
in cold Zagreb....
Onda je jednom otišla od mene
And then once, suddenly she left me
nestala poput traka, tanke morske pjene
and disappear like thin ray of sea foam...