Translation of the song Bella Figura, Bella Pitura artist Gibonni
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Tamo, dole, u bratove postole
There, beneath, into my brother's shoes,
na ono misto di ti prsti dođu
To the place where fingers go,
mater gužva novine i stavlja
Mother crinkles newspaper and puts it in
da ti ne bi digod ispale sa nogu.
So I wouldn't lose them off my feet somewhere.
I vrtiš glavon kad ti mater reče:
And you turn your head when mother tells you:
Bit će bolje, nećemo se žalit...
It'll get better, we won't complain...
Ako misliš da si rođen za nešto puno veće
If you think you're born for something greater
posrane postole ne mogu te smanjit!
Shitty shoes cannot make you smaller!
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Bella figura, bella pitura
Kako materi ćeš kazat?
How will you tell your mother?
Od toga nema kruva
There's no use from it
svi su išli naprid
Everyone went forward
samo mi smo išli nazad!
Only we went backwards!
Tamo di ti mater drži metle
There where your mother keeps the broomsticks
ima buža koja tajnu čuva
There is a hole hiding a secret,
novce što ih ona sakriva od sebe
Money she hides from herself
za crne dane, šibice i duvan.
For bad times, and matches and tobacco
Duvan triba da joj smiri nerve
She needs tobacco to calm the nerves
a šibice da more ga pripalit.
And matches to light it.
Novci služe da uzmeš ih za sebe
Money is for you to take it
da se cili život imaš čega sramit.
So you'd have something to be ashamed of for your whole life.
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Bella figura, bella pitura
Kako materi ćeš kazat?
How will you tell your mother?
Od mene nema kruva
There's no use from me
svi su išli naprid
Everyone went forward
samo ja san iša nazad!
Only I went backwards!
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Bella figura, bella pitura
Kako materi ćeš kazat?
How will you tell your mother?
Od mene nema kruva
There's no use from me
(svi su išli naprid)
(everyone went forward)
svi su išli naprid
Everyone went forward
samo ja san iša nazad
Only I went backwards
samo ja san iša nazad!
Only I went backwards!
Prvi puta se ćutiš kao neko vridan
For the first time you feel like a somebody
pod svitlima kazina...
Under casino lights...
Sve su tvoje muke sad dovoljno daleko
All your troubles are far enough now
još smo da te pogladi sudbina.
And you just need a stroke of luck.
A prid zoru, jedna kužina u mraku
And before dawn, one dark kitchen,
jedna sjena čeka kada ćeš otvorit.
One shadow waiting when you will open the door.
I kaže: Dite moje, ako ubiješ mi nadu
And she says: My child, if you kill my hope
onda neman više di ću se zaklonit
I'll have no place to hide away
neman di ću se zaklonit!
I have no place to hide away!
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Bella figura, bella pitura
Mater tila bi ti kazat:
Mother would say:
Od tega nema kruva
There's no use from that
nek drugi idu naprid
Let other people go forward
samo ti mi dođi nazad!
You just come back to me!
Bella Figura, Bella Pitura
Bella figura, bella pitura
Mater tila bi ti kazat:
Mother would say:
Od tega nema kruva
There's no use from that
nek drugi idu naprid
Let other people go forward
samo ti mi dođi nazad
You just come back to me
samo ti mi dođi nazad!
You just come back to me!
Samo ti mi dođi nazad...
You just come back to me...
Neman di ću se zaklonit...
I have no place to hide away...