Translation of the song Kiša (Z'naab) artist Gibonni
Kiša (Z'naab)
Vidjela si znakove pred kišu
You saw the sings that foretell the rain
Muve koje navale u sobu
Flies that rush into the room
Promaje što ispod vrata dišu
Winds breathing under the door
Voda crta mače po plafonu
Water drawing stains over the ceiling
Oblaci su uvik znali s kin će
Clouds always knew who to team with
Mislila si oće, neće, biti kiše
You wondered will it rain or not
Izgleda da bit će
It looks like there will be
Neće ova kiša se umorit
This rain will not get tired
Neće dokle ne porastu plime
It won't, until the tides get high
Još kad bi tvoja kuća mogla plovit
If only your house could sail
Da te nosi morem u daljine
To take you faraway across the sea
U daljine šivane po mjeri
Into the custom-made distances
Bez ijedne muške duše
Where there is not one manly soul
Koja ne može da te iznevjeri
That can let you down
Rekla si: ‘’Kišo, šta činiš u mojoj kući?
You said: Rain, what are you doing in my house?
Šta mogu od tebe još naučit?
What else can I learn from you?
Kako se pada, a da ne pustim glas?’’
How to fall down without making a sound?
‘’Tugo, ruke ti pune posla..
Sadness, you have your work cut out for you...
Ako mu oprostim, šta će ostat?
If I forgive him, what will be left?
Kako ću sebi prid oči izać?
How will I be able to look myself in the eyes?
Tugo, nemoj, nemoj me nać!’’
Sadness, don't, don't find me!
Da se lita mogu pripolovit,
If years could be cut in half
Ti bi prva odrišila cime
You would be the first one to untie the ropes
Kad bi srce opet moglo volit
If the heart could love again
Ma oće jednom kad mu bude vrime
Oh, it will once when it will be its time
I ka šta palac proviri iz bičve
And like a thumb peaking out of a sock
Javit će se neko da te suve grane
Someone will show up to turn those
Pretvori u cviće
Dry branches into flowers
Rekla si: ‘’Kišo, šta činiš u mojoj kući?
You said: Rain, what are you doing in my house?
Šta mogu od tebe još naučit?
What else can I learn from you?
Kako se pada, a da ne pustim glas?
How to fall down without making a sound?
‘’Sumnjo, ruke ti pune posla..
Doubt, you have your work cut out for you...
Ako mu oprostim, šta će ostat?
If I forgive him, what will be left?
Kako ću sebi prid oči izać?
How will I be able to look myself in the eyes?
Tugo, nemoj, nemoj me nać!’’
Sadness, don't, don't find me!