Translation of the song Mirakul artist Gibonni
Divno je kad žena ima petlju
It's lovely when woman has guts
Da te uzme k sebi
to take you (meaning to protect you)
Onda kad si slab
when you're weak
Divno je kad ćutiš snagu njenu
It's lovely when you see her strength
Koja vadi me iz moga blata van
when she takes me out of my mud
Divno je...
It's lovely...
Divno je kad izlaziš na svjetlo
It's lovely when you go out on light
Dok priviknu se oči
while your eyes are getting used to it
Znam da nisam sam
I know I'm not alone
Divno je i ne događa se često
It's lovely and it doesnt happen that often
Taman toliko da sam o njoj ovisan
Just enough to be addicted to it
Divno je...
It's lovely...
Je te donne ma liberte
I gave you my freedom (this is french, i think it means this lol)
A to ne sliči na mene
And that doesnt look like me
Jer sve je moje njeno
Because everything mine is hers
Kao zapleteno
like something tangled
Prokleto i sveto za mene
Damned and sacred for me
Odakle joj pravo
Who gave her the right
Znati me ovako
To know me like this
I ući mi pod kožu zauvijek?
And come under my skin forever
Odakle joj pravo?
Who gave her the right?