Translation of the song Nisi više moja bol artist Gibonni


Nisi više moja bol

English translation

You're No Longer My Pain

Te noći kada izgubi se trag svjetlima u luci

That night - when every trace of port lights gets lost

I ovo srce kao nenavijen sat što miruje na ruci

And this heart, like and unwinded watch, resting on the hand

Ne dam jedru da me spasi

I won't let the sail save me

Nema potrebe za to

There's no need for it

Neka konac djelo krasi

Let the end be the measure of the deed



Nisi više moja bol

You're no longer my pain

Ja znam da ova ljubav ima sto života

I know this love has thousand lives

Prije nego takne dno

Before it hits rock bottom

Puštam je da ode

I let it go

Da se vrati bolja

So it would come back better

Lažna nada nikad se ne umori

False hope never gets tired

Sama se spasi

It saves itself

Umori se onaj koji nosi je

The one carrying it gets tired

I ona na koju glasi

And the person it's adressed to

Sad 'ajmo pomoći tišini

Now let's help silence

Da nas pretvori u kap kiše

Turn us into raindrops

Što nad morem visi

Hanging over the sea



Nisi više moja bol

You're no longer my pain

Ja znam da ova ljubav ima sto života

I know this love has thousand lives

Prije nego takne dno

Before it hits rock bottom

Puštam je da ode

I let it go

Da se vrati bolja

So it would come back better

Više ne postoji bol

Pain no longer exists

Ja znam da ova ljubav ima sto života

I know this love has thousand lives

Prije nego takne dno

Before it hits rock bottom

Puštam je da ode da se vrati bolja

I let it go so it would come back better

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