Translation of the song Ohimé ch’io cado artist Claudio Monteverdi


Ohimé ch’io cado

English translation

Alas, I am falling

Ohimé ch'io cado, ohimé

Alas, I am falling, alas,

ch'inciampo ancor il piè

my foot trips and stumbles,

Pur come pria,

a once more,

E la sfiorita mia

and my crushed

Caduta speme

and withered hope

Pur di novo rigar

must I now

Con fresco lagrimar

once more water

Hor mi conviene.

with fresh tears.

Lasso, del vecchio ardor

I am weary, yet still feel

Conosco l'orme ancor

in my heart the scars of

Dentro nel petto;

this former passion,

Ch'ha rotto il vago aspetto

for your beautiful face and

E i guardi amati

beloved looks have broken

Lo smalto adamantin

the adamantine defence behind which

Ond'armaro il meschin

cold thoughts had armoured

Pensier gelati.

this wretch.

Folle, credev'io pur

I foolishly believed

D'aver schermo sicur

I had a solid shield

Da un nudo arciero;

against the naked archer,

E pur io sí guerriero

yet I, once so warlike,

Hor son codardo

am now a coward

Ne vaglio sostener

and cannot defend myself

Il colpo lusinghier

against the flattering blow

D'un solo sguardo.

of a single glance.

O Campion immortal

O immortal champion –

Sdegno; come sí fral

I scorn his weakness

Hor fuggi indietro;

as he runs away –

A sott'armi di vetro

with weapons of glass

Incanto errante

have you led me,

M'hai condotto infedel

faithless one,

Contro spada crudel

to face a fierce sword

D'aspro diamante.

as hard as diamond.

O come sa punir

Oh, how tyrannous love

Tirann'amor l'ardir

knows to punish

D'alma rubella!

the boldness of a rebellious soul,

Una dolce favella,

a soft word,

Un seren volto

a pretty face,

Un vezzoso mirar,

a gentle look

Sogliono rilegar

often know how to mend

Un cor disciolto.

a broken heart.

Occhi belli, ah se fu

Eyes, lovely eyes, ah if

Sempre bella virtù

fair virtue was always

Giusta pietate!

justly rewarded.

Deh voi non mi negate

Ah, deny me not

Il guardo e'l riso

your gaze and smile

Che mi sa la prigion

as for their sake

Per sí bella cagion

let prison

Il Paradiso.

be paradise to me.

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