Translation of the song Giderdi Hoşuma artist Yaşlı Amca
Giderdi Hoşuma
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Simidini fırlatırdı
She was throwing away the bagel
Kaparlardı martılar
Albatrouz would catch it
Dalgalar korkuturdu
Waves would frighten her
Deniz tutardı yengenizi
The sea would make my lover sick
Midyeciler bağırırdı
Mussel sellers would shout
Şafak sökerdi dillerinden
Dawn would come with her tounge
Ah benim o mühürlü dilime
Oh into my sealed lips
Hiç bi' iltifat gitmezdi ama
Never a compliment goes away though
Ne giyerse giderdi hoşuma
I would love whatever she wears
Öyle tatlı bela ki başıma
She was such a joy to my head
Darlamasa bide her durumda
I would like her even more
Öyle bir sevicem ki sonra
If she wouldn't complain for vain
Dalgalarla demlenirdik
We would infuse with the waves
Tuz kokardı şarkılar
Songs would smell like salt
Utanırdı atardı içine
She would become shy and bottle it in
Aşk tutardı yengenizi
The love would make my lover sick
İçli içli mırıldanırdı
She would mumble silently
Of çekerdim gizlice
I would sigh quietly
Bende bunları hayal ederken
When i was imagining these
Hiç de belli etmezdim ama
I wouldn't let her know
Ne giyerse giderdi hoşuma
I would love whatever she wears
Öyle tatlı bela ki başıma
She was such a joy to my head
Darlamasa bide her durumda
I would like her even more
Öyle bir sevicem ki sonra
If she wouldn't complain for vain