Translation of the song Hormoni artist Galena



English translation


Да се пробва с мене,тоя бърза,идва пръв,

To try to “get lucky” with me,this guy fast comes first

но не искал да ме сваля той не бил такъв,

But he doesn’t want to “hit on me” he isn’t that tipe of guy

знаела ли съм, че правел сумати пари,

supposedly I know he makes a lot of money

можело света да купи и в кеш да го плати.

he could buy the world and pay for it in cash

Не, че искал да ме сваля не било това,

not that he wanted to “hit on me” it’s not like this

но едно жените знаем то звучи така...

but we women know one and it sounds like this...



Мъж ако те заговори става дума за хормони

if a guy starts talking to you it’s about hormones

ще пойска твойте телефони.

he’ll want your number

Даже друго да говори ако носи панталони

even if he talks about other things, if he wears pants

става дума само за хормони.

(“if he wears pants” in BG it is understood as “if he e is a guy”)

Ще се пробва още някой ха ето го дойде,

someone else is going to try, aha here he is, he’s here

нямало да ме забива като другите.

he wouldn’t flirt with me like the others

Знаела ли съм за него, колко умен бил,

supposedly I know about him, how smart he was

от какво добро семеиство, а и толко мил.

from what a good family he is, and so nice (considerate)

Не, че искал да ме сваля не било това,

not that he wanted to “hit on me” it’s not like this

но едно жените знаем то звучи така...

but we women know one this and it sounds like this…



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