Translation of the song Dios ayude a los marginados [God Help the Outcasts (Pop Version)] artist The Hunchback of Notre Dame (OST)


Dios ayude a los marginados [God Help the Outcasts (Pop Version)]

English translation

God Help the Outcasts

Creo que no querrás oírme

I don't think you'll want to hear me

por yo gitana ser.

for I'm a Gypsy girl.

Creo que no sabre implorarte,

I don't think I'll know how to pray to you,

no te puedo ver.

I cannot see you.

Siempre me hallo marginada,

I always find myself alienated.

no vivo con virtud.

I Iive with no virtues.

Veo tu cara y me pregunto

I see your face and I wonder

lo que fuiste acaso tú.

what you were by chance.

Los marginados viven con sed.

The outcasts live with thirst.

Piden clemencia, amor quieren ver.

The ask for clemency, they want to see love.

Todos perdidos confían en ti.

Lost, all of them, they trust you.

Los marginados te ruegan vivir.

The outcasts plead you to live.

No pido nada, sé sobrevivir

I'm asking nothing, I know how to survive

pero hay otros tantos que no son así.

but there are so many others that are not like this.

Salva a mi gente de su suerte atroz

Save my people from their cruel fate.

si todos somos los hijos de Dios.

if indeed we're all children of God.

Yo no sé si hay una causa

I don't know if there's a cause,

por qué unos sí, otros no

why some are saved, some others aren't

y aquellos favorecidos

and those already favoured

nos temen, nos huyen.

fear us, they flee from us!

¡No quieren ni vernos!

They don't even want to see us!

Los marginados cansados están

The outcasts are tired

buscando saber el porqué de nacer.

of searching the reason to be born.

Vientos con fuerza golpean sin cesar.

Strong gales are beating unceasingly.

Tú los hiciste, protégelos hoy.

You made them, protect them today.

Pobres, sin suerte, el raro y el débil

Poor, unlucky them, the weird one and the fragile one

si es que todos somos los hijos de Dios.

if indeed we all are the children of God!

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