手も握らなくて 恋だと言えるの
One could say this is a love that can't be touched
深刻なだけじゃ じりじりするだけ
It irritates me that it's only serious
静かなあなたが とても好きだけど
I like you a lot when you're quiet
時には はしゃいで 甘えてみたいわ
But sometimes you take advantage and become merry
コーヒーだけ 飲みすぎて
Drinking too much coffee
うつむくムードじゃ 物足りない
In a looking down mode, I'm unsatisfied
やさしさ売りものに するのはいいけれど
You can market your tenderness
やさしいだけならば テレビドラマだわ
But if you're only tender, it will be a tv drama
見つめ合うだけで 恋だと言えるの
One could say this is a love were we only stare at each other
シビアな都会で のどかすぎるわね
It's so calm in the sepia city
静かな瞳が とても好きだけど
I like your quiet eyes a lot
じれてる私に すこしは気付いて
But notice a little that I'm getting impatient
このままなら さよならね
Going this way, I'll say goodbye
私の心は 染められない
My heart can't dye
やさしさは確かに 大事なものだけど
Silent tenderness is something important
今の年頃なら 見せかけだけでしょ
But nowadays it's just a pose
やさしさは確かに 大事なものだけど
Silent tenderness is something important
やさしいだけならば きっとさよならね
But if you're only tender, goodbye